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Activity of some quail serum enzymes under the influence of lysine, methionine, threonine and in combinatin with vitamin E
An important part of modern intensive technologies in animal husbandry in our country and abroad, is the use of biologically active substances which greatly influence the physiological state of the body, many hormones and endocrine glands, especially regulating metabolism, growth and development of an organism. Energy efficiency can be met in properly balanced ration with many important components, including the amino acid composition. The poultry body does not synthesize a variety of amino acids, particularly essential ones: lysine, methionine and threonine. These amino acids poultry should receive from food in the required quantity and proportion, while the vegetable feed is not always enough.
The value of vitamin E as the largest natural antioxidant in animals is extremely high, and its deficiency in the diets of animals leads to changes in the structure of cell membranes and enhance the destructive effects of free radicals on cell membranes and organelles.
The research aim was to determine the activity of AST and ALT enzymes, and alkaline phosphatase in quail serum after using the amino acids lysine, methionine and threonine in combination with vitamin E.
Analyzing the data it should be noted that at the beginning of the experiment, indicators of AST enzymes activity in the control and experimental groups, probably no different and were almost identical. On the 15th day of the experiment, we established a probable increase of quail AST serum activity in the 2 nd experimental group, compared to the control by
9,09 %, and the 3rd and 4th this experimental group figure was at control. In the 30th and 45th day of the experiment tended to improve the performance of the activity of quail AST serum in all experimental groups, as compared with the control.
Alanine transferase activity at the beginning of the experiment in quail control and experimental groups was also almost the same and ranged from 0,40 ± 0,04–0,50 ± 0,04 mmol/l×h. On the 15th day of the experiment in all experimental groups, we noted a tendency to increase in ALT activity as compared to the control quail group, and on the 30th day of ALT activity in quail 2nd and 3rd experimental group was between 0,98–0,99 mmol/l×h, which is 16,6–17,8 %, as compared with those of control group. On the 45th day of the experiment there was observed a decrease in ALT activity in experimental quail groups, but it was still higher than in the control one. If the whole alanine transferase changes compare in activity during the experiment, it should be noted that it has increased as compared to the initial period, both in experimental and in the control groups of birds that may explain its age-related changes.
However, alanine transferase activity in experimental groups was higher compared with activity in control. This increase may be explained prepare the body before the quail egg.
During the experiment, the activity of alkaline phosphatase in experimental poultry groups tended to increase. Specifically, it increased during the 15 days by 9,0–15,0%, the 30th day – by 9,5–9,7 , and 45th – increased activity was only by 5,5–7,5%, as compared with the control one. This fact can be attributed to the egg formation increase as alkaline phosphatase ensures the transfer of calcium and inorganic phosphorus, that are necessary for the formation of shell eggs and the activity increase of this enzyme adequately increases poultry laying.
Thus, the activity of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase was found during the experiment in quail experimental groups, as compared with the control one. One can assume that the addition to the poultry diet of essential amino acids: lysine, methionine, threonine boosted the activity of these enzymes. In addition to the above, one should consider the fact that vitamin E, which was introduced into the diet, promotes protein biosynthesis by influencing the formation of molecules and RNA. The presence of vitamin E in cells is related to enzyme activity. The value of vitamin E as the largest natural antioxidant in animals is extremely high, and its deficiency in the diets of animals leads to changes in the structure of cell membranes and enhances the destructive effects of free radicals on cell membranes and organelles.
Thus, we use a complex of essential amino acids: lysine, methionine and threonine with vitamin E, that helps to increase the activity of studied enzymes, which took place within the physiological norm.
The increasing activity of AST and ALT associated with possible changes in the exchange and glutamic acid to the Krebs cycle. That is, the activity of these enzymes is associated not only with the metabolism of proteins, but also with the exchange of carbohydrates, nucleic acids, it also depends on energy metabolism in tissues and is necessary to ensure the appropriate level of metabolism for eggs formation and laying.
Growth of alkaline phosphatase quail serum in research groups, compared with the control, shows active transport of calcium and inorganic phosphorus from the depot and the use of these elements in the formation of eggs.
Key words: quail, amino acids, lysine, methionine, threonine, vitamin E, serum enzyme activity.
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