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Apoptosis and its place in the regulation of immune homeostasis of animals’ body (review of literature and own studies)

In recent years, among the phenomenon of programmed determined process of aging and cell death – apoptosis is comprehensively studied by scientists of different specialties. This phenomenon of physiological regulation of body homeostasis constantly occurs in the body of all living beings, is regulated and controlled by a number of factors. Apoptosis is accompanied by a natural process of substitution and elimination of cells that have completed their life cycle, as well as cells that have undergone damage and mutations, which is extremely important in the early diagnosis of a variety of pathologies.

The modern clinical immunology annually updated with new methods, which require the researchers to broaden their knowledge in this area and specialized laboratories to be upgraded. The article deals with modern immunological aspects of apoptosis of immune competent detail reveals the effect of various factors and mechanisms that influence the induction and inhibition of apoptotic process. The authors have done research parallels of this issue with their own experimental studies, have carried out interpretation and synthesis of contemporary theoretical concepts and have defined the role of apoptosis in the formation of immune homeostasis animals. Today, science knows five basis groups of methods for assessing apoptosis, namely: morphological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, immunological and DNA micro-method.

The practical use of each of them is determined by the principal approach of the investigator while studying the process in the body or in the diagnosing specific diseases. Programmed cell death, as above, plays a special role in the functioning of the immune system. At all stages of the cell – proliferation and differentiation – it is the method of selection of immune cells, it regulates their response to antigenic signals, determines the nature of the immune response or the formation of immunological tolerance. Apoptosis is an active form of the response of immune cells as unfavorable, and the physiological and activating (antigens, mitogens ) impact factors.

Cell protection from apoptosis activation is provided by membrane molecules. Other important physiological regulators of apoptosis are cytokines ‒ a large group of proteins that have specific receptors on target cells. An important role in the regulation of apoptosis of immune cells belongs to other cytokines – interleukins, interferons. The phenomenon of apoptosis is the result of various factors that lead to cell death. It may be non-specific factors such as temperature, toxic agents, oxidants, free radicals, γ- and ultraviolet irradiation, bacterial toxins, etc.

In all these cases there is induction of apoptosis, but the increase of the influence of a particular agent triggers the disintegration of necrotic cells, which causes an increased interest of researchers, primarily on the hormonal regulation of apoptosis.

Our experimental studies have shown that the dynamics of mastitis of cows induction of apoptotic neutrophils took place in spite of the backdrop of metabolic activation reactivity of phagocytes. In the area of the pathological process a great amount of reactive Oxygen and other metabolites inflammation are found to accumulate causing not only a destructive effect on cells but also being specific activators of apoptosis.

Thus, apoptosis should be considered a natural mechanism for elimination of cell. The presence of physiological factors (inducers and inhibitors of apoptosis) in the body suggests that programmed cell death is dependent on the ratio of the factors that cause apoptosis and prevent it, as well as intracellular regulatory mechanisms. Noting that apoptosis is a general biological mechanism for the regulation and balance, which is responsible for maintaining the physiological balance of cell populations, as well as the destruction of distorted, mutated and defective cells new approaches to treating and preventing disease are being considered.

It is well known that disregulation of apoptosis leads to various diseases, so the study of the mechanisms of this phenomenon will allow affecting its separate stages in some way, both regulation and correction. Mechanisms of induction of apoptosis, leading to inhibition or contrary to the excessive activation of the process of cell death may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Therefore, the development and clinical use of different methods of recognition of apoptotic cells is important not only for the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease, but also for choosing the best method of treatment and monitoring its effectiveness. Thus, immunological reactivity implemented by a system of cellular and humoral responses provides dynamic regulation of homeostasis. All physiological processes in the body are controlled by the immune system. So in the present research it is necessary to use new assessment methods of apoptosis, which will be able to display the status of immune homeostasis normally and in the development of pathology.

Key words: apoptosis, immune system, immunocompetent cells, mechanisms of regulation, homeostasis.

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