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The Assessment of radionuclide activity 137Cs and 90Sr in drinking water on livestock farms in Ukraine
Statement of the problem. Water plays an important role in the physiological wellbeing of the living organism. The health of people and animals, highly depends on its quality. It is a mandatory component of each and every cell, tissue and organ of a living organism. Their activity is impossible without water. Today, the big threat to the health of animals can be created by radionuclides of natural and anthropogenic origin (iodine, strontium, cesium, uranium , etc.). Th radionuclides reach the natural water sources from the air and soil. Given the current state of the environment, the actual question is the extent of the contamination of surface and ground water. At the current anthropogenic radiation impact on the environment, including water resources, it is clear that the problem went out beyond a single country.
That is why the main aim of our study was to explore the radiation condition and safety of water that is used for watering animals on the farms in Ukraine.
Materials and methods of research. Scientific work was carried out during the years of 2011, 2012. On the twenty dairy farms with different anthropogenic load, which are located in four biogeochemical zones of Ukraine there were taken the samples of water that is used for watering animals on the selected farms. The water was taken from the two points (wells and drinking bowls), seasonally according to the proper methodology. Water for radiological examinations were taken in clean glassware with volume of 1.5 dm3, hermetically closed and marked with label. The label indicated the location (region, area, farm), dates and number of samples. The testing of radionuclides in water was carried out in cooperation with the laboratory of radiological control "Volyn RDLVM" using the UIC "Hamma Plyus " according to GOST 23950-88 techniques, BS ISO 9696-2001.
Studies have shown that in five households in the northeastern Ukraine biogeochemical zone are located in the Chernihiv and Zhytomyr regions. On average on these farms in water for watering the animals 137Cs activity was 1.90 Bq ∙ l-1 and 90Sr – 1,74 MBq l-1. Western economies impose biogeochemical zones of Ukraine (Volyn and Lviv region) where activity 137Cs averaged 1.91 MBq l-1 and 90Sr – 1,73 MBq l-1. Radiation Norm Safety of Ukraine (RNs-97) provide limitations levels of specific activity of natural radionuclides in water, artesian wells and have to be no more than: 222Rn – 100 Bq ∙ l -1, 226Ra – 1,0 Bq ∙ l -1, 228Ra – 1,0 Bq ∙ l -1. The total activity of natural mixtures of isotopes of uranium is 1.0 Bq ∙ l -1 and anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr- 2 Bq ∙ l -1.
Thus, the study showed that the activity of 137Cs and 90Sr in water for watering animals from groundwater sources in the tested farms is low and does not exceed 2 MBC ∙ l -1, which is a thousand times lower than the permissible levels of specific activity of radionuclides in drinking water.
Key words: farm drinking water, underground water sources, radionuclides, 137Cs and 90Sr.
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