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Safety and quality of food chicken eggs during production and circulation in some farms of central Ukraine
Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will have a positive effect on the development of the egg industry in our country. Despite the difficult times, the state will still have prerequisites for capacity building and modernization of enterprises. The purpose of the research is to establish quality indicators, to characterize the safety of chicken eggs from different Ukrainian producers, and to develop food product testing methods. Research methods: analytical, organoleptic, physical, microbiological, toxicological, variational and statistical. It was established that edible chicken eggs met the requirements of the current DSTU 5028:2009 according to organoleptic indicators. When conducting microbiological tests of chicken eggs, the presence of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms was not detected. When determining the content of residues of veterinary drugs and pollutants (toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics and hormonal drugs) in chicken eggs, exceeding the maximum permissible levels (MRL) was not established. Determination of the optical density indicators of protein and yolk of chicken eggs made it possible to characterize their quality more deeply. The developed express methods of determining the quality of food chicken eggs, in particular the optical density of the protein and yolk by the photometric method, had a reliability of 99.9% in the obtained indicators compared to other indicators specified in the national standard. Thus, the expediency of monitoring the quality indicators of food chicken eggs during production and circulation (storage in wholesale bases and sale in supermarkets, stores, etc.) according to current national legislation and the development of express methods of controlling the quality of protein and yolk by photometric methods have been scientifically substantiated and experimentally proven.
Key words: food industry, poultry farming, organoleptic, physicochemical, chemical, technological indicators, safety, quality, food product, consumer.
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