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Biochemical changes in the blood of horses with different course of uveitis
The aim is to study the biochemical changes in the blood serum of horses with acute, subacute and chronic course of uveitis. Serum was examined from clinically healthy warm blood horses (n=10) and horses with acute (n=29), subacute (n=17) and chronic uveitis (n=41). Blood samples were collected by conventional methods.
Serum was tested on biochemical analyzer Stat Fax 1904 production Awareness technology INC (USA), using the appropriate reagents of company «Global Scientific» (USA). Sample preparation and identification of specific indicators were performed according to the instructions to the instrument and reagents.
Total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, glucose, cholesterol, total and conjugated bilirubin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), γ-glutamiltransferring enzyme (GGT), amylase, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), potassium, sodium were determined in serum. The resulting numeral material was processed statistically using a computer program Microsoft Office Excel.
These results suggest that inflammation of the uvea in horses, regardless of course, accompanied by a change of some biochemical parameters. In animals with an acute uveitis found significant (p<0,01) increase in total protein content up to 83,4±6,4 g/l as compared to the control group – 60,1±6,5 g/l. Also in this group of horses found a decrease of 11,1 g/l (p<0,05) the amount of albumin.
Urea content in sera of diseased horses of all groups significantly (p<0,05) decreased as compared with the clinically healthy horses, but did not go beyond the lower boundary of the reference values.
In horses with acute and subacute uveitis found hyperbilirubinemia, and in acute disease course it showed a significant increase of 2-fold to 16,9±2,3 mmol/l (p<0,001) compared with control. Conjugated bilirubin content was not significantly altered in diseased horses.
Established a significant increase (p<0,01) in AST activity 409,5±36,6 U/l in the acute course of uveitis and a slight but significant (p<0,05) increased ALT to 18,3±3,7 U/l. Also in sick horses GGT activity was significantly high (above 25 U/l).
A significant (p<0,001) increase in alkaline phosphatase activity to 288,2±12,6 U/l was installed in acute uveitis as compared with the control group.
A significant increase (p<0,05) of iron to 36,6±2,7 mmol/l during acute uveitis was identified compared with the control group. The remaining biochemical parameters of blood serum of horses at various courses of uveitis changed slightly and insignificantly.
Studies have shown that reliable biochemical changes in the blood serum of horses develop mainly in acute uveitis. In subacute and chronic course of the disease they are minor (decrease of urea, increase in total bilirubin and GGT), which may be due to the activation of compensatory mechanisms of the body.
Changes in biochemical parameters of blood serum of horses with acute uveitis syndrome characterized by inflammation (hyperpoteinemia and hypoalbuminemia) and hepatocyte cytolysis syndrome (hyperbilirubinemia , increased activity of AST, ALT, GGT and alkaline phosphatase), which constitutes a violation of the functional state of the liver under the influence of infectious agents or their toxins which is one of the etiological factors of uveitis.
Key words: horse, eye disease, uveitis, biochemical parameters.
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