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The change of the fund of free amino acids blood quail for the feeding of the complex of essential amino acids, vitamin E

It is known that the role of amino acids in the body of birds in General, and quails in particular, is determined by their participation in the regulatory, biochemical and energy processes. In the tissues of quails amino acid content depends on many factors, including age, physical condition, speed and recycling of biosynthesis, as well as from the quality of food that enters the body. Especially important is complete protein nutrition for quail hens during oviposition that clutch eggs, they spend a large amount of various substances, but the major part of them are proteins.

Under messages of many researchers, the greatest impact on the need for amino acids in animal and poultry are age, gender, physiological state, genotype, the rate of their utilization and biosynthesis, performance, and, especially, the quality of the feed consumed. Especially important are the essential amino acids lysine, methionine and threonine.

In particular, lysine affect the transport of substances through cell membranes, tissue distribution of key electrolytes, encourages gluconeogenesis. It also activates haematopoiesis and synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood and protein in blood plasma, as evidenced by the results of our research in hemoglobin and protein, which are consistent with the data of other authors. In addition, lysine is one of major irreplaceable amino acid, which is a part of all the proteins of animal and plant origin. In the process of catabolism lysine experiencing deamination or methylation, resulting in the formation of important intermediate compounds used macroorganizms. In laying hens it promotes absorption of calcium in the digestive tract, and a deficiency in the diet reduces the use of nitrogen feed, resulting in reduced egg production.

An essential amino acid methionine plays an important role in metabolism, takes an active part in the synthesis of tissue proteins, as well as in many processes in the synthesis of vitamins, hormones and enzymes that are needed to sustain growth and fatigue. Also, this amino acid is actively involved in processes. It prevents oxidation of proteins, fatty liver, promotes the growth of muscle tissue in animals and is associated with hematopoietic activity of the body.

It is known that the amino acid threonine participates in the processes of synthesis not only protein but also the synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids, carbohydrates. This amino acid in the body birds cannot sitesubtitle and therefore necessarity have to deal with food. In the body threonine turns into glycine and acetic aldehyde, and its deficiency in the feed birds leads to fatty infiltration of the liver.

Number of authors have shown that feeding of vitamin E stimulates the inclusion of amino acids as leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, glycine proteins in mitochondria and microsomes and the cytoplasm of liver cells. Additionally, vitamin E (tocopherol) has antioxidant properties. It contributes to increasing the fertilization of the eggs, activeness of the sperm of the male, the normal development of the embryos and calves. With insufficient amount of vitamin E in the diet of poultry reduced egg laying and hatching eggs.

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of different doses of amino acids lysine, methionine, threonine in combination with vitamin E on the amino acid composition of blood.

The General level of free amino acids in the blood of quails and the amount of essential and nonessential amino acids had a tendency to decrease. One may assume that the amino acids of blood quail had been used by their body. In addition, the growth level of the amino acid lysine, methionine, threonine and vitamin E in diets quail hens compared with a standard diet control group significantly increased biological value of feeds and boosted their egg production.

Key words: blood, quail, essential amino acids, vitamin E, lysine, methionine, threonine, production.

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