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Chemical composition of physical and technological properties of broiler turkey meat in the case of application of the prebiotic Actigen

Recently, pre and probiotics have been widely distributed in poultry farming as environmentally friendly and non-harmful drugs. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the chemical composition and physical and technological properties of broiler turkey meat using the prebiotic Actigen. Research was carried out during 2022–2023 at the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, Hygiene of Livestock Products and Pathanatomy named after Y.S. Zagaevskiy Bila Tserkva NAU. Experimental experiments and scientific and practical observations were carried out in the conditions of "Volodar" LLC of Tetiiv district of Kyiv region and the accredited laboratory: Stavyshche interdistrict state laboratory of the State Production and Consumer Service of Ukraine. We used: organoleptic, physicochemical, biochemical and variational and statistical research methods. The chemical composition of the samples of the pectoral and thigh muscles of the (poultry), in terms of the content of proteins, the amino acid tryptophan prevailed in the experimental samples compared to the control samples. Thus, the concentration of proteins in the test samples increased by 1.0-1.2 times, and the amino acid tryptophan by 1.0-1.03 times. The protein-quality index (PRI) also increased by 0.62−1.67% (р<0.05) and the caloric value (in 1 kg of meat) +3.4−11.6%. According to other indicators, there was no significant difference in both the experimental and control groups. According to the physical and technological indicators, no noticeable difference between the experimental groups was established. However, as the duration of prebiotic use increases, the indicators of the moisture retention capacity of the pectoral and femoral muscles probably increase to 61.19% (Р<0.05). A similar dependence has been established for the thigh muscles, which have a large physical load. Thus, during the evaluation of the chemical composition and physical and technological properties of the meat of broiler turkeys with the use of the prebiotic Actigen, it was established that it meets the veterinary and sanitary requirements for quality and safety, in the absence of contamination by microflora.

Key words: meat industry, turkey farming, physico-chemical, chemical, technological indicators, quality, food product, consumer.

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