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Coagulase-positive staphylococci in dogs and their antimicrobial resistance (systematic review)
Staphylococcus spp. a common genus of bacteria that colonizes the body of dogs. Some families of this genus are pathogenic and are involved in the development of diseases of various systems and organs, especially the skin and outer ear. One of the main signs of the most pathogenic families of this genus is the secretion of the enzyme coagulase. They are grouped into the group of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (CoPS). S. pseudintermedius most often is isolated from a dog, about 10-60% isolates. S. aureus is identified less frequently, in 4-15% of cases, but it is associated with people who are its natural carriers. S. schleiferi subsp. coagulans is another family that can be identified in the pathological material obtained from dogs. However, coagulase is one of much different pathogenicity factors in this family. Also, microorganisms of this family can exist both in the form of a planktonic culture and in the structure of a biofilm, on which the effect of antibacterial agents is weakened. Some strain of CoPS carry genes of resistance to various antibacterial agents and may occupy a dominant position in the pathogenic process. Such strains can colonize the environment in places where animals congregate, which leads, for example, to the occurrence of clinical infections. Also resistant are strains of this family that can colonize other animals or humans. Owners and specialists working with animals are constantly at risk. To date, the issue of the emergence of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics (methicelin-resistant strains) and the acquisition of resistance to several groups of antibacterial agents is acute. In the countries of the European Union, a fairly large number of studies are conducted aimed at studying the spread of Staphylococcus spp. analysis of virulence and pathogenicity factors, as well as mechanisms of acquiring antibacterial resistance. Programs to control the prevalence of resistant strains are also being developed there. Different authors show resistance to a large number of antibacterial agents, the profile of antibacterial resistance may differ both within different groups and between different drugs of the same pharmaceutical group. In Ukraine, there are no systematic studies of the spread of resistant strains of microorganisms among small animals.
Key words: Staphylococcus spp., S. pseudintermedius, S. aureus, S. schleiferi subsp. Coagulans, CoPS, MRSP, MRSA, antibacterial resistance, dogs.
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