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Deinfectant Bi-dez тм effect on clinical and biochimical status of pigs
The aim of our investigation was to prove the safety of medicines Ecocid C and Bі-dez тм for desinfection at the pig farms. For this purpose investigated of morphological and biochemical markers of swine peripheral blood. In-process testing took place at Rivnopillia LLC Huliaipole district Zaporizhia region, Nadia LLC Rudnia village and Ulianovo LLC Zhukhove village Sereduna-Buda district Sumy region. Two groups of swine, 100 heads per each, were made for the experiment. Preventive disinfection was conducted in the first room with the use of 1 % Ecocid C (control) and the second room was disinfected with Bі-dez тм with 0,25 % concentration.
Blood of control and experimental groups was the material for hematologic investigations. It was selected from swine orbital sinus before the morning feeding. Blood drawing took place before medicine introduction and also in 14, 30, 60 days after the first introduction. Animals' number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leucocytes was identified and markers of white blood cells were estimated according to the generally accepted methods. Total amount of proteins and protein fractions, urea, creatinine, total amount of glucose, cholesterol, inorganic calcium, inorganic phosphorus, total bilirubin, activity of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and general content of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme, activity of alkaline phosphatase in animal blood serum were identified with the help of photoelectric colorimeter KFK-3 with the use of reagent Simko-LTD Lviv for biochemical investigations. Content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the experimental and control groups was the same and within the limits of physiological norm. The use of Bі-dez тм medicine for disinfection of pigsties influenced the increase of neutrophils content.
During the research it was necessary to prove the safety of Ecocide C and Bi- dezтм drugs for disinfection, that is why the morphological parameters of blood of experimental animals have been investigated. The contents of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in experimental pigs and control groups were similar and in normal limits. The use of the Bi-dez тм drug for the disinfection of pig sty did not influence on the increase of neutrophils. It has been established that in the experimental groups of piglets total protein content had the tendency to increase in rearing and feeding, but the difference with those in the control groups of pigs statistically improbable (p <0,5). An important indicator of the functional state of the liver is the level of albumin in serum , but their fraction has not been changed and it does not differ from the origin It is concerned to some globulins fractions. Thus, the drug does not caused the adverse effect on protein synthesized function of the liver. There was no difference in the content of glucose in the blood of pigs in the control and experimental groups. The activity of cellular enzymes is a thin indicator between the structure of membranes and cytoplasmic organelles of cells of different organs. Aspartate and alanine aminotransferase are the indicators for hepatocytes pigs. It was the tendency in the experimental groups of increasing AST ( aspartate aminotransferase ) activity in the rearing – 11,3 % (p <0,1 ), fattening – 9,3 % (p<0,5 ) comparing to control. Similar changes in activity of other cytolytic enzymes – alanineaminotransferase (ALT), which is in contrast to AST, has been localized only in the cytoplasm and therefore it easily penetrates into blood if the cells have a pathology including hepatocytes.
As any changes of the ferment activity have not been detected, it makes possible to conclude that the use of the drug does not negatively influence the hepatocytes. Alkaline phosphatase activity remains unchanged, so we can confirm that the membrane of the epithelial tract do not react to medication. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH ) is located mainly in the cytoplasm of cells of various organs and has 5 isoforms, some isoforms are localized in certain organs that determines their specificity. LDG1 and LDG2 are located in the myocardium, LDG4 and LDG5 are located in the liver and skeletal muscle.All isoenzymes in equal quantity are concentrated in the lungs. No changes in enzyme activity in pigs of all groups enables us to conclude that the drug Bi- dez тм does not cause changes in the organs ( myocardium, liver, lungs ) and skeletal muscles, where it is localized. Creatinine and urea in serum peripheral blood of piglets in experimental groups did not differ from that in control groups. The lack of changes suggests that the drug Bi- dez тм for disinfection in the presence of pigs in the pig sty does not adversely affect the filtering and excretory renal function and the syntesis of urea of the liver. An important indicator of the functional state of the liver is the content of bilirubin in the serum, but the difference between experimental and control groups of pigs are not detected. Thus, the drug Bi- dez тм does not adversely affect the absorption of bilirubin and its conjugation and excretion in bile. According to the results, we can conclude that the use of the drug in the experimental areas Bi-dez тм does not cause any negative effects on morphological and biochemical composition of the blood.
Key words: biochemical investigation of blood, globulins, aspartateaminotransferase, alanineaminotransferase, creatinine, urea, cholesterol, bilirubin, disinfection.
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