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Determination of Na, K, Ca, Mg in cow’s serum and lohia during postnatal period and their significance in the development of subinvolution of uterus

The current information in the literature regarding the pathogenesis of subinvolution of cow’s uterus does not fully reveal the essence of this phenomenon. Some authors point out that under the influence of etiological factors weakening of uterine contractions (hypotension) or their absence (atony) occurs leading to deceleration of myometrium retraction. At the same time the disclosing of pathogenesis of subinvolution of cow’s uterus is extremely important since this pathology is considered to be the initial stage of endometriosis, and in some cases as its hidden course.

The purpose of the work was to determine the level of certain minerals in a cow’s body and lohia and to clarify their role in the development of subinvolution of uterus. To achieve this goal, we set the tasks: to identify the contents of Ca, Mg, K, and Na in cow’s serum and lohia on the 7th day of the postnatal period.

The experiment was conducted on the cows of Ukrainian black and white dairy breed 4–6 years-old, body weight 490–500 kg, 5000 kg of performance. On the basis of the farming company “Agrocomplex” Ltd. (registered at Dubivtsi, Ternopil district, Ternopil region) the cows were divided into two groups. The first group included cows (n=10) after the 6th–7th postnatal day with physiological course of postnatal period. The second group of cows (n=10) included those diagnosed with subinvolution of uterus. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of cows and lohia samples were taken after their self-discharge during rest or after rectal massage of the uterus.

Determination of Ca, Mg, K, and Na content in serum and lohia was carried out according to the conventional veterinary methods.

Statistical analysis of the results was performed using standard computer software for determining arithmetic mean (M), statistical error of arithmetic mean (m), probability of the difference (p) between the mean of the two variation series according to the random coefficient for the difference of means (t). The difference between the two values was considered the probable by *р<0,05, **р<0,01, *** р<0,001.

Macro- and micronutrients play an important role in the course of many biochemical reactions occurring in cow’s body, therefore, determining their level in blood and other animal fluids and secretions is of practical and theoretical interest.

We found that the cows with subinvolution of uterus have the level of magnesium and total calcium in blood lower by 27,9 % (р<0.01), potassium by 10,3% (р<0,05) against increase of sodium content by 10,9 % (р<0,05) compared to cows with physiological course of postnatal period.

Clinical examination of cows with physiological course postnatal period revealed thick light brown, odourless, homogeneous lohia after the 7th postnatal day. At rectal examination of cows the cervix was palpated as a cylinder with the diameter of 5,0 to 6,0 cm. Uterine horn that did not contain fetus was located in the pelvic cavity, and the horn, that contained the fetus corresponded to 2–2,5 month of in-calf. The uterus contracted. Cows’ ovaries were round or oval shape, and one of them had the remains of the corpus luteum.

At rectal examination of the cows with the signs of subinvolution of uterus the vibration of middle uterine artery was felt, uterine cervix open and the uterus was 1,5–2 times bigger than the one of the first group of the cows, it was also two-thirds lowered into the abdominal cavity. Myometrium tone and rigidity decreased. The ovary had corpus luteum on the side of the horn that contained fetus. Lohia of the cows with the signs of subinvolution of uterus was observed to have decrease of calcium 39,0 % (р<0,001), magnesium 15,0 % (р<0,01), potassium 9,0% (р<0,05) against increase of sodium by 20,0 % (р<0,01).

We know that calcium is essential for maintaining the normal function of the nervous system, and ions Ca ++ found in sarcoplasmic reticulum contribute to muscle fibres contraction. This effect occurs due to presence of Mg. The cows with subinvolution of uterus have lower content of Ca and Mg both in serum and in lohia. Taking into account that delivering is stressful for a body some animals in such conditions develop hypokaliemia (probable potassium decrease to 3,65±0,02 mmol/l in serum and to 3,89±0,09 mmol/l in lohia). Therefore, potassium influenced by adrenocorticotropic hormone discharged with urine. All this led to excitability of myometrium cells developing subinvolution of uterus. Sodium has the prime importance for maintaining the osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid being more than 90 % of all plasma cations. This depends for 92 % on its level and distribution of water between the extracellular and intracellular fluids. Sodium loss always leads to the loss of water. We found that sodium in serum and lohia of the cows with subinvolution of uterus significantly higher by 20,4 % compared to the cows with physiological course of postnatal period showing the retention of this element in the body and sexual system as the consequence of development of edema.

Key words: cows, postnatal period, lohia, subinvolution of uterus, macro- and micronutrients.

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