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Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of viral hemorrhagic disease and eimeriosis of rabbits
The rabbit breeding industry in Ukraine is an important element of animal husbandry, most of the rabbits are in private households. In the absence of systematic veterinary care, accurate postmortem diagnosis of the causes of death of rabbits in households is important. Rabbit eimeriosis is widespread in Ukraine and with mixed intestinal and hepatic forms of eimeriosis against the background of unsatisfactory feeding and maintenance in young rabbits can cause death. Viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits is also common in Ukraine and causes the death of rabbits of all ages. The aim was to study the pathomorphological changes in eimeria and viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits and the use of other methods to confirm the diagnosis. The article presents the results of pathological, coprological and microbiological diagnosis of rabbit eimeriosis. Polymerase chain reaction was used to confirm the diagnosis of viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits with the simultaneous establishment of the genotype of the pathogen. The effectiveness of the use of additional methods of postmortem diagnosis of eimeria (coprological, microscopic) and viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits (polymerase chain reaction) was established. In rabbits that died from rabbit hemorrhagic disease the infection was caused by the virus of the first type.
Key words: pathological and anatomical diagnosis, coproscopy, PCR, liver damage.
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