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Dinamic change activity of digestion enzymes in quails depending from age
The article presents facts about age change activity enzymes of organ digestion quails. The established that this age activity proteinase, lipase and amilase enzymes duodenum content and mucous membrane and pancreas fabric increased.
During the life of the animal spends a significant amount of energy. Recovering energy provided by the supply of nutrients in the form of complex compounds in the digestive tract are converted into simpler followed by their absorption into the blood and lymph. Cleavage of protein food is with proteolytic enzymes pancreatic and intestinal juices and their degree of activity depends on the synthesis of new proteins in the body quail and their performance. As a result, the research found that proteolytic activity in duodenal mucosa in quail 55th days age was slightly higher compared with young birds. Activity of enzymes pancreatic tissue quail was 23.1 % higher at 55th day study compared with 10 age daily birds that may due to the feature of the functioning of the pancreas and increased synthesis of most enzymes.
Amylolytic activity of the duodenum content birds on 55 th day study was 2-fold higher compared with previous periods. For enzyme activity mucosa, it marked only the upward trend in quail older. Also on the 55 th day of the experiment found increased activity of amylase in pancreatic tissue quail. That is the adaptation of the gut and pancreas to the growing body burden in connection with the egg productivity.
The lipolytic enzyme activity in duodenal content bird was almost 2-fold higher during oviposition. The enzyme activity of the mucous membrane of the duodenum quail during puberty ( 40th day ) was is 9,4 % higher than 10 age. The research activity of lipase in pancreatic tissue revealed that during the experiment she grew and its highest value was in quail aged 55 days.
Cleavage of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids food depends on the degree of gastric, pancreatic and intestinal juices and activity of enzymes. One of the main factors that affect the activity of digestive enzymes is the period of development of the organism, and the status of the organism. Especially important source of digestive enzymes is pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal glands secrets. In particular, pancreatic juice contains enzymes which provide cleavage protein, carbohydrate and lipid components of the feed. It should be noted that the concentration of protease and amylase he dominated mammalian pancreatic juice, and it gives only the concentration of lipase. End-stage hydrolysis of proteins made by dypeptydase, 90 % of which were found in the mucosa as hungry birds and birds after feeding and only 6–8 % of it is in the intestinal chyme, indicating that the localization of peptidases in the microvilli membranes, thereby parietal digestion occurs. It was found that the highest dypeptydase activity is observed in the distal intestinal mucosa.
The activity of the enzyme affects its localization in the intestine. Highest peptydase and amilase activity set in the mucosa of the duodenum and ileum intestine in chickens and higher phosphatase activity in the duodenum and less pronounced in other parts of the intestine. Investigated that pancreatic proteases exert their effect not only in oral cancer, but also on the surface of the mucosa, due to their adsorption in structures glycocalyx. Thus, according to the literature, in the apical glycocalyx of the small intestine of chickens were found up to 80 % of the activity of trypsin and 20 % himortypsyn.
Type of bird also plays an extremely important. Most pancreatic amylase observed in young geese, and the lowest in chickens. During the intensive growth increases the activity of trypsin, lipase and protease, and amylase remains at a constant level. In studies on turkeys was found that high levels of lipase activity is due not only increase its own activity, and higher enzyme content per unit mass of cancer.
Functional status of the duodenum and pancreas have a direct connection with the general metabolism of the whole organism, causes the rate of growth and development of quail. During the life of the animal spends a significant amount of energy. Recovering energy provided by the supply of nutrients in the form of complex compounds in the digestive tract are converted into simpler followed by their absorption into the blood and lymph.
Key wods: quails, lysine, methionine, threonine, enzymes of bodies digestion, proteinase, amylase, lipase activity.
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