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The dynamics of content of phospholipides of blood in cattle breed gray Ukrainian at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis for various systems maintenance
Dependend phospholipid content was established in the blood of animals of gray Ukrainian cattle from systems maintenance, season and animal productivity. The content of phospholipids in the blood of cows per stall retention was higher than for the camp-pasture. Comparing the indicators characterizing the content of phospholipids in the blood, it is clear that animals in the stall system maintenance, this figure was higher by 15–20 %. The level of the blood phospholipids of animals changed during lactation. The lowest level of phospholipids in the blood of cows found dead in a period , and this difference proved to be statistically significant.
The content of phospholipids in the blood of animals 3–4 years of age are also dependent on the physiological state of the organism. Under these conditions, we found that due to the decrease in milk yield level of phospholipids in the blood of cows decreased.
The lowest content of these compounds for pasture maintenance system was installed in the dry period and the first month of lactation 1,71±0,02 g/l and 1,60±0,07 g/l. But the cows on the fourth and seventh months of lactation, compared to the first month of lactation, the content of phospholipids in the blood was higher: in the fourth month of lactation it was 1,95±0,04 g/l, while seven months 1,79±0,07 g/l.
The maximum concentration of phospholipids in the blood of cows 6–7 years old was found in the fourth month of lactation. This figure was 1,83±0,05 g/l. Then, their concentration decreased and was in the seventh month of lactation 1,73±0,04 g/l in the dry period 1,53±0,04 g/l.
Regarding the influence of the season on the concentration of phospholipids in the blood of animals it was found that their highest level observed in the summer, regardless of content, and the lowest – in the winter. In particular, the phospholipids content of cows in stalls in summer was higher by 22,7 %, and pasture of 24.1 % compared with winter months.
The content of phospholipids in the blood of cows per stall retention was higher than with the content and pastures. Under these conditions, cows with highest phospholipids content in the blood was more significantly. Comparing the indicators characterizing the content of phospholipids in the blood of stall maintenance, it is clear that in heifers compared to the first-born of their level was higher than the seasons: spring – 5,7 % in the summer – 4,2 %), the fall in 1.6 % in the winter – 4,5 % ). In animals 3–4 and 6–7 years old, the figure on the contrary, was higher, and the largest value content of phospholipids in the blood of cows observed in 3–4 years of age who exceed their levels in heifers by 7,1 % in the spring and summer 4 %.
The content of phospholipids in the blood of cows firstborn was lower than in heifers and this difference by month of lactation was the first month of lactation 0,09 g/l or 5,75 in the fourth month of 0,08 g/l or 4,07 %, to seventh month of 0,03 g/l or 1,89 in the dry period of 0,07 g/l or 4,02 %. As to the content of phospholipids in the blood of 6–7 year cows, it should be noted that the quantity was higher in cows 3–4 years of age compared with older cows. We also found that the content of phospholipids in the blood of cows per stall system maintenance was higher than in the camp-pasture. Comparing the indicators characterizing the content of phospholipids in the blood, it is clear that animals in the stall system maintenance, this figure was higher by 15–20 %.
Thus, the content of phospholipids in the blood of cows Ukrainian gray breed depends on the season and the highest performance and he was in the cows in the stall period, namely winter. During lactation the highest level of phospholipids observed between the highest average daily milk yields. We believe that the phospholipids that are donor fatty acids required for the biosynthesis of lipid components of milk. The highest level of phospholipids at the stall of the processes associated with a decrease in milk formation dry period and used them for growth and development of the fetus.
Key words: system maintenance, phospholipids, lactation, season, animal performance.
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