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Dynamics of heart rate variability and the state of endogenous in toxication under different anesthesia regimens in dogs with visceral and somatic types of pain reaction
Dogs are naturally characterized by a high level ofinjuries, which can reach up to 50 % of the total surgicalpathology. At the same time, abdominal pathology issignificantly common in this species of animals andsurgical treatment of the sepathologies is accompanied bya significant somatic and visceral pain response. The workwas performed at the Department of Surgery and Diseasesof Small Pets of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian Universityin the period 2015-2020. The material for the study wereclinically healthy and sick dogs admitted to the clinic ofdiseases of small animals of the university. Forming theclinical-experimental base for research, nosological formsof pathology and frequency of its occurrence were taken into account, attention was paid to the peculiarities of surgicalintervention depending on the species of animals, type andintensity of pain response and correctness of anesthesia.Visceral type of pain reaction was studied in dogs aged2 to 10 years, who underwent abdominal surgery. Somaticpain reaction accompanies bone fractures and their surgicaltreatment. Included in the study of dogs with fractures of thefemur or humerus aged from 1 to 10 years.High levels of endotoxicosis are characteristic of thepathochemical phase of abdominal surgical pathology in dogs,with the concentration in the blood of malonic dialdehyde(14.8 ± 0.55 μmol / l) and molecules of average weight isrespectively 1.6 and twice higher than normal. However,the lowest level was found under balanced acepromazineketamine-propofol anesthesia, with no probable changes inmolecular weight peptides and a slight increase in the level ofmalonic dialdehyde only 1.1 times (p <0,01).Acepromazine-butorphanol-propofol-ketamineanesthesia for somatic pain in dogs provides completeanalgesia with controlled and rapid recovery fromanesthesia without established probable changes during theoperation of spectral indicators of heart rate variability. Insomatic pain in dogs, regardless of the anesthesia regimen,the preoperative level of endotoxemia is preserved, andaccording to the spectral analysis of HRV and its sympathoparasympathetic balance index, 30 % of surgically ill dogsshow normotonia – 0.85–1.15, 27 – sympathicotonia (LF/HF>1.15), in 43 % – parasimaticotonia (LF/HF<0.85),which is the key criterion for selecting the appropriatescheme of anesthesia.
Key words: heart rate variability, endogenousintoxication, anesthesia, dogs, types of pain reaction, visceralinnervation, somatic innervation.
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