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Dynamics of rates and reasons for pathologic deliveries of sows according to the seasons of the year and depending of the age
The informative and analytical data for the reasons of pathologic deliveries of sows of different age and disorders of delivery process dynamics stipulated by weak or excessive throes has been presented in the research. Modern techniques of work on the pig farms have been researched according to the season.
LLC “AX” during 2012 registered 153 cases of pathologic deliveries of sows including 47 30,71 % in winter, 33 (21,56 %) in spring, 43 (28,1 %) in summer and 30 (19,6 %) in autumn. The main reasons for pathologic deliveries were disorders of dynamics of delivery process (53 cases), pathology of birth canals (37 cases), pathology of fetal development (43 cases) and wrong relation of fetus to birth canals (20 cases). General analysis doesn’t include cases of placenta delay in sows – the pathology of the third delivery stage.
The results of studying the disorders of delivery process dynamics according to the season, show the fluctuation of the results from 18,87 (10) in autumn and spring to 33,96 %(18) cases in winter; pathology of birth canals from 18,92 (7) in autumn and spring to 32,43 % (12) cases in summer; pathology of fetal development from 20,93 % (9) in autumn and spring to 30,23 % (13) cases in winter; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 20,0 % (4) in summer and autumn to 35,0 % (7) cases in spring.
The results of studying the running number of farrowing show the fluctuation of the disorders of delivery process dynamics number from 6 (11,32 %) – with 2nd farrowing to 13 (24,53 %) with the 6th farrowing; pathology of birth canals from 5 (13,51%) with 3d, 4th and 5th farrowing, to 8 (21,62 %) with 1st farrowing; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 1 (5 %) with 4th farrowing to 5 (25,0 %) with 1st and 2nd farrowing.
During 2013, on the pig farms of LLC “AX”, 165 cases of pathologic deliveries have been recorded, among them 49 (29,69 %) in winter, 43 (26,06 %) in spring, 48 (29,09 %) in summer and 25 (15,15 %) in autumn. Number of disorders of dynamics of delivery process varied from 10,64 (5) in autumn to 34,04 % (16) in summer, pathology of birth canals from 22,22 %, 10 cases in winter and 10 in autumn, to 28,89 % (12) in summer; pathology of fetal development from 13,73 % (7) in autumn to 35,3 % (18) cases in winter; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 13,64 % (3) in autumn to 36,66 % (8) cases in winter.
The results of studying the running number of farrowing show the fluctuation of the disorders of delivery process dynamics number from 5 (10,64 %) – with 4th farrowing to 20 (21,28 %) 10 with the 5th farrowing and 10 with the 6th; pathology of birth canals from 4 (8,89 %) with 4th farrowing, to 20,0 % – 9 with 1st, 9 with 3d and 9 with 4th farrowing; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 2 (9,09 %) with 5th farrowing to 22,73 % – 5with the 1st and 5 with the 2nd farrowing.
LLC “Temp” during 2012 registered 132 cases of pathologic deliveries of sows including 34 (25,75 %) in winter, 32 (24,24 %) in spring, 40 (30,3 %) in summer and 26 (19,69 %) in autumn. Disorders of dynamics of delivery process varied from 15,0 % (6) in autumn to 32,5 (13) in summer; pathology of birth canals from 20,0 % (7) in winter to 34,28 % (12) in summer, pathology of fetal development from 21,22 % − 9 cases in winter and 9 in autumn, and wrong relation of fetus to birth canals – from 4,17 % – 1 case in summer, 1 in spring and one in autumn to 8,33 % (2) in winter.
The results of studying the running number of farrowing in 2012 show the fluctuation of the disorders of delivery process dynamics number from 10,0 % (4) – with the 3d farrowing to 22,5 % (9) with the 6th farrowing; pathology of birth canals from 11,43 % 4 cases with 3d, and 4 cases with the 4th farrowing, to 22,86 % 8 cases with 1st and 8 cases with the 2nd farrowing; pathology of fetal development from 9,1 % (1) with the 3d farrowing to 27,27 % (9) with the 6th farrowing; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 12,5% 3 cases with 4th farrowing and 3 cases with 5th farrowing to 20.83% 5 cases with the 1st and 5 cases the 6th farrowing.
During 2013, on the pig farms of LLC “Temp”, 128 cases of pathologic deliveries have been recorded, among them 31 (24,21 %) in winter, 32 (25,0 %) in spring, 45 (35,15 %) in summer and 20 (15,62 %) in autumn. Number of disorders of dynamics of delivery process varied from 16,67 % (7) in autumn to 33,33 % (14) in summer, pathology of birth canals from 10,0 %, 3 cases in autumn and 10, to 40,0 % (12) in summer; pathology of fetal development from 20,59 % (7) in autumn to 32,35 % (11) cases in summer; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 13,64 % (3) in autumn to 36,66 % (8) cases in winter.
The results of studying the running number of farrowing in 2013 show the fluctuation of the disorders of delivery process dynamics number from 9,52 % (4) – with the 3d farrowing to 26,19 % (11) with the 6th farrowing; pathology of birth canals from 3,33 % 1 case with 4th, to 26,67 % 8 cases with the 5th; pathology of fetal development from 8,82 % two cases with the 2nd the 3d farrowing each to 32,35 % (11) with the 6th farrowing; wrong relation of fetus to birth canals from 4,55 % 1 case with the 2nd farrowing to 22,73 % 5 cases with the 1st and 5 cases the 4th farrowing.
Data of the disorders of delivery process dynamics of sows on pig farms of LLC “AX” and LLC “Temp”, according to the season have been presented in tables 1 and 2.
The main reasons for disorders of delivery process dynamics of sows were stipulated by weak or excessive throes. During 2012-2013 the parameters of the disorders of delivery process dynamics of sows on both farms varied from 15,0 % to 33,34 % in LLC “Temp” and from 10,64 % to 33,96 % in LLC “AX”. The results of studying the running number of farrowing in 2012-2013 in LLC “Temp” from 8,7 % with 3d farrowing to 33,34 % with the 1st farrowing in 2013, in LLC “AX” from 8,7 % with the 3d farrowing to 26,1 % with the 6th farrowing in 2012.
Key words: farrowing process, uterus contractions, sows and gilts.
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