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The effect of Mikrolipovit on hematological parameters and productivity of Volyn breed beef bull-calves depending on the type of their higher nervous activity
The feeding of ruminants with protected fats containing linoleic acid allows obtaining higher quality fat and meat from the animals. The most common method for chemical protection of fats, which are fed to ruminant, is production of calcium soaps. The soups are obtained by saponification of acylglycerols of Soap stock by refining the sunflower oil with calcium hydroxide. The use of the supplements with calcium salts of fatty acids in the diets provides significantly better productive performance of cattle in comparison with the use of native fat supplements.
The compensation for a lack of micronutrients in diets due to their inorganic forms do not always provide the appropriate level of the elements in the tissues. The productivity of animals may be low due to relatively low nutrients bioavailability (1-25%), antagonistic properties between them, formation of insoluble complex compounds such as phytate and so on.
That is why the main objective of our work was to study the impact of feed additive Mikrolipovit on the hematological parameters and productivity of Volyn breed beef bull-calves.
The study was conducted at the agricultural firm "Dobrosyn" Zhovkva district, Lviv region. There were used young beef calves of different ages. Four test groups were formed, ten animals in each. Every group represented certain types of higher nervous activity (HNA). The first group – animals with strong balanced mobile type of (HNA). The second group – animals with strong unbalanced type of HNA. The third group – animals with strong balanced inert type of HNA. The fourth group – the weak animal type of HNA.
Animals of all groups received the basic diet where the part of the grain ration was replaced with 5% plant-vitamin-mineral supplement Mikrovitolip.
The study of biochemical and hematological parameters was performed in 6 and 18 months after the test commencement. The blood was taken from the jugular vein of the tested animals in the morning time before feeding. The following indexes were determined in the blood: hemoglobin – by hemiglobin cyanide method; the number of red blood cells – in a cell counting Goryaeva's grid. The following indexes were determined in the serum: total protein – with biuret-reagent method; the ratio of protein fractions (%) by electrophoresis on plates with 7.5% polyacrylamide gel.
To study the effect of biologically active compounds on the growth of the animals there was determined absolute, relative and average daily weight gain. All research results were analyzed by the method described N.A. Plohinsky.
There were found distinct differences in erythrocyte count, hemoglobin content, protein, albumin and albumin-globulin ratio coefficient depending on the type of higher nervous activity. The weight gain in fattening bull-calves of Volyn beef breed significantly increased after feeding feed additive Mikrolipovit.
There was established that feeding a feed additive Mikrolipovit to fattening bull-calves of Volyn beef breed promotes the increase of erythrocyte count and hemoglobin concentration in the blood, protein in the serum of calves. There was also increased the relative content of albumin and albumin-globulin coefficient. The most optimal values there were in the bull with strong balanced mobile type of HNA.
It was concluded that the correction the diet of bull-calves by biologically active substances improves their productive performance. In particular, the results showed the growth of body weight in absolute and average daily numbers. The animals with strong balanced inert type of HNA showed maximum weight gain productivity comparing to the calves from other tested groups.
Key words: bull-calves, Volyn beef breed, types of higher nervous activity, meat productivity.
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