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Efficacy of Eprin® endectocide for use in cattle against nematodes and arthropod parasites
Antiparasitic treatment and prophylactic measures in dairy cattle breeding are often not carried out on time due to the opposition of managers and owners of farms. The rejection of the necessary treatments for dairy cows is caused by the forced disposal of a significant amount of milk during the withdrawal period of a particular preparation, during which milk contains residues of active substances and cannot be eaten by humans. The research aimed to determine new native Eprin® endectocide's (Brovafarma LLC) nematode and insecticidal effect during the cattle treatment. The active ingredient of Eprin® is eprinomectin (20mg/ml) from the genus of avermectins, it is not excreted in milk and even requires a 1-day withdrawal. Two experiments were carried out: in the first, the anthelmintic effect of the drug was tested; in the second, the effect on ixodid ticks and cutaneous parasites. The experimental groups consisted of black-speckled cows, 2–6 years old, weighing 450–550 kg. The drug was used at a dose of 1 cm3 /100 kg of body weight, subcutaneous injection, once. Laboratory parasitological studies were carried out using standard methods of scatological diagnostics and identification of cutaneous parasites. No local reaction in animals to drug administration was observed. As a result of the injection of Eprin®, five cows, affected to varying degrees by the nematodes Bunostomum phlebotum, Trichostrongylus spp., Trichuris spp., Dictyocaulus viviparus, Nematodirus spathiger, the eggs of these helminths after 10 days were completely eliminated from animal faeces, which indicates 100 % intensity and the extensibility of the drug. Likewise, three days after the treatment of seven cows whose bodies were originally found to have lice (Bovicola bovis), lice (Haematopinus eurysternus) and ticks (Dermacentor reticulatus/Ixodes ricinus), no more arthropod parasites were identified. Consequently, Eprin® has a lethal effect on typical bovine parasites, including gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes, lice, lice and ticks, without causing any side effects in the body of animals.
Key words: eprinomectin, cows, helminths, ticks, sucking lice, chewing lice.
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