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Electrocardiographic indicators Hutsul horses breed
The reasons that motivate the implementation of cardiovascular system in horses is their participation in sports, respiratory diseases, degradation or loss of consciousness. However, such studies are rarely performed in order to monitor the state of the cardiovascular system during exercise. Often cardiology studies conducted when the animal developed symptoms of heart failure.
Echocardiography refers to the priority of the heart in horses. Diagnosis of arrhythmias in horses is important because they are recorded more frequently than the other species. Some of them are physiological, while others are abnormal and may indicate damage to the heart muscle. None of the clinical methods can not replace electrocardiography in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias.
Since electrocardiographic studies performed in different leads, there is much disagreement normal values electrocardiogram. However, the difference in the image electrocardiogram in horses obtained by writing to the leads of the electrodes are put in different places, relates mainly wave amplitude. Therefore, some authors in the interpretation of electrocardiograms in horses fed only the width of the teeth and the time intervals and segments.
Electrocardiogram in horses differs significantly from ECG humans and small animals. These differences are related to the structure of the conducting system of the heart horses, as well as the distribution and activation sequence of excitation in cardiac muscle.
Anatomical structure of the sinus node of the heart in horses caused by the fact that the P wave is broad and often forked. This complicates the interpretation of the morphological changes of P wave, which is typical for increasing fibrillation. In ventricular QRS complex in leads most dominant negative waves, also zatrudnyaye detect signs of an increase in the ventricles. Heavy in diagnosis is to establish intraventricular conduction disturbances, since excitation occurs in the ventricles “burst” in a short period of time. Therefore, the ECG arrhythmias arising from the violation of intraventricular conduction recorded by marked changes in the myocardium.
The heart of a horse has substantial reserves, allowing several times to increase its systolic volume during exercise. Therefore, the pathological changes in the heart for a long time may not show up and run without symptoms. Clinical symptoms of disease occur in the later stages when developing heart failure.
There are several electrocardiographic symptoms that characterize normal and pathological response of the heart to stress in horses. Particular attention is paid to the ECG ventricular complex shape of teeth.
Electrocardiographic monitoring of heart in horses shown to hold also in older animals during surgery. At the same time electrocardiography is less informative with increasing heart or individual departments for electrolyte and hormonal imbalance. Changes of this nature need to confirm with other more specific methods. However, the performance of electrocardiography allows to diagnose heart disease in horses, including arrhythmias, and in accordance with the change of use in work or sports.
Key words: horses, electrocardiography, electrocardiogram, battlements, intervals, electrical axis of the heart.
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