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Epizootic situation and rabies epizootic features animals in the territory of Bila Tserkva region
Analysis of rabies epizootic situation in Ukraine for 1995–2013 years according to official data (according to the form 1 – VET) shows that tension epizootic process is characterized by a growing number of disadvantaged points and the number of sick animals. Thus there is a pattern of growth these indicators from year to year, up to and including 2007.
Performance analysis that the number of cases increased from 351 in 1995 to 2976 in 2007 and to the level that was in Ukraine in the postwar years before the introduction of specific prevention, and the highest in the last 55 years.
In the following years with rabies epizootic situation remains difficult. So in 2008, discovered in 1797 disadvantaged localities where sick animals in 2171; in 2009–1094 and 1254; in 2010–1581 and 1854; 2011–1262 and 1423; 2012–1727 and 1979; 2013–1296 and 1518 respectively.
It should be noted that in the epizootiology of rabies in Ukraine, unlike a number of European countries, epizootic process involved dogs and cats. In 2007, their share in the overall incidence was 40.3 %, and foxes – 40.8 %. This indicates the presence in Ukraine natural focal (tank foxes) and antropological (reservoir cats, dogs) types of infection. During the 10 months of 2010, the share of dogs and cats account for 50.5 % (525 of 1039).
Ukraine ranks third in Europe on rabies in cats. On the complexity of rabies epizootic situation in Ukraine influenced by such negative factors as low level of immunization, especially wild predators, weakening of control over the implementation of the rules of keeping dogs and cats, population growth of stray dogs and cats, foxes increasing population.
Analysis of the prevalence of rabies for 2009–2014 years shows that it diffuses nature, the source of infection recorded in 17 localities, which are located throughout the area. This tension epizootic situation in 6-years period, the analyzed varied from extreme changes. The highest intensity of epizootic process was during the 2012–2014 years. During this period revealed 16 points disadvantaged, which is 69.6 % for the six-year period. In 2009–2011 years found 7 disadvantaged areas (30.4 %) including: in 2009 – 2 (8.7 %), 2010 – 3 (13.9 %), 2011 – 2 (8.7 %).
Analysis of induced epizootic situation in the area, indicates the formation of stable zones trouble. By definition –
a territory where rabies is registered annually, or more than 2 times in five years. They are usually found in areas with high density foxes, settlements wolves and other wild carnivores. These areas include the territory of the city. Uzyn where rabies was recorded 5 times, Rozaliyivka and Hlybichka – two cases of rabies.
The data on the epizootic situation in the district for the 2009–2014 years correlated to some extent with the data in the Kiev region. So, if in the Kyiv region in 2009 recorded 5 points disadvantaged, in 2010 – 27, 2011 – 55, 2012 – 69, 2013 – 82 respectively.
Analysis of the epizootic situation in the incidence of rabies on individual species shows that first in the number of cases of rabies take cats – 12 (66.7 %), second – dogs – 3 (3 %), third – fox – 2 (11.1 %).
The fate of the remaining animals was small, but it marten – 1 (5.5 %).
In order to stabilize the epizootic situation in the area, necessary to implement the measures under the "comprehensive plan for prevention and control of rabies in animals in Bila Tserkva district."
One factor that provides effective interventions to prevent and combat rabies is completeness of coverage immunization of dogs against rabies, and in areas of stable and trouble cats and oral immunization of wild carnivores.
Key words: animal rabies, epizootic situation, epizootological process, cats, dogs, foxes.
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