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The ethological activity of dairy cows as their reproductive health indicator
The problems of physiology and reproduction pathology of highly productive dairy cattle from the position of behavioral typological peculiarities by example of black and white Holstein Friesian breed under non-tether technology of their keeping are considered in the article. According to the ethological activity indexes the animals were distributed into the following populations: ultraactive – 22,7 %, active – 29,6 %, passive – 16,9 %, infrapassive – 30,8 %. Their average annual dairy productivity (efficiency) was 8152±478, 8311±486, 7704±474 and 6741±437 kg, accordingly. It is stated that the greatest resistance to reproductive organs and mammary gland diseases development is associated with the cows of an active type, and the least resistance occurs in infrapassive cows. The latter have 1,62 times more frequent gestosis evidences, 2 times more frequent uterine inertia and placenta detention, 1,67 times more frequent uterus postnatal subinvolution and endometritis, 2,4 times more frequent chronic uterus pathologies, 1,68 times more frequent ovarian dysfunction, 3 times more frequent inflammatory processes in mammary gland and 4 times more frequent atrophic processes in mammary gland. The animals of passive and ultraactive behavioral classes occupy intermediate position according to the resistance degree to the obstetric-gynecologic diseases. It means that the organism of cows with weak higher nervous activity types is the least adapted to the reproductive potential manifestation in stressing livestock industry environment. It is shown that reproductive system organs pathology development risk, connected with higher nervous activity and behavioral typological peculiarities, is determined by different levels of their common and local immune protection.
The detection of ethological status of uterine livestock population provides a high probability prediction of the animals’ reproductive health state and fertility.
Key words: cows, ethological activity, immune protection, reproductive health.
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