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Histological changes in the liver, kidneys and myocardium rabbits by using A water-soluble form of vitamin E

Priorities in the field of nutrition are to provide people with quality products with high nutritional and biological value. One of the foods that provide people valuable, high-quality and inexpensive protein is a rabbit’s meat. To improve the efficiency of growing rabbits and improving the quality of products of slaughter compound feed by constantly balance the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and a number of synthetic biologically active substances that stimulate growth and development. To improve the oxidative stability of meat more efficiently add vitamin E to animals than to the meat after slaughter, as in the second case it is not natural and physiologically incorporated into cell membranes.

It should be noted that vitamin E is a natural active antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of fats and reduces lipid peroxidation in muscle tissue, but insolubility in water tocopherols complicates and limits their direct use. In human medicine to create soluble forms of drugs and ensuring long-acting in vivo they were placed in a polymer matrix, which allows you to control the release rate of drugs and make their transport towards the required authority. Furthermore, it should be noted that vitamin E in the form of water-soluble supports proper absorption and use of lipids, a positive effect on the liver, intestine, pancreas and supports optimal functioning of the immune system.

Study of the influence on the structure of tissue products slaughtering rabbits vitamin E in water-soluble form was conducted. Therefore, we conducted histological studies of products of slaughter rabbits, which we are feed the vitamin E in water-soluble form.

The intention of the research was to study the effect of vitamin E in water-soluble form in the histological structure of the liver, kidneys, myocardium of rabbits.

In the liver of animals in the control group had liver lobules hexagonal shape. At high magnification clearly distinguish the structure of hepatic beams. Vessels lobes moderately with full blood. Stroma was represented by thin layers of loose connective tissue. In the liver, the experimental group of rabbits there were dual-nuclear hepatocytes. The nuclei and cytoplasm of hepatocytes were stained more intensely compared with the control, were hyperchromic nuclei.

In the rabbit kidney vascular glomeruli round or oval vessels they painted intensely eosinophilic. The lumen of the tubules great without content. Tubular epithelium has a cubic shape. Eosinophilic cytoplasm, nuclei stained moderately. We did not detect any difference in histological structure of the kidney of experimental animals compared with controls.

Myocardium is built from bundles of muscle fibers, consisting of cardiac cells that are spindle-shaped. In the center of the cell are one or two nuclei, heavily shaded with hematoxylin. Cardiomyocytes are connected with neighboring cells anastomosis. In preparations of myocardium animals of the experimental group were intensely stained nucleus and cytoplasm of cardiomyocytes, cells were somewhat larger than in the control group animals.

Conclusions: in the experimental group of animals hepatocyte cell structures somewhat intense painted, indicating a better permeability of cell membranes. In the kidneys of animals of the control and experimental groups changes were detected. Nucleus and cytoplasm of cardiomyocytes of the research group rabbits intensively shaded, core bit larger compared to the control.

Key words: rabbits, vitamin E, histology, liver, kidneys, myocardium.

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