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The impact of nervous system`s individual characteristics on the number of lymphocytes during the influence of biological irritant
Potential opportunities of the animals are mostly determined by the peculiarities of the types of higher nervous activity, investigation of higher nervous activity gives the opportunity to determine the animals with the highest level of productivity that is strongly significant when focused selection has been providing (S.V. Velichko, L.V. Kladnitskaya, 2012). Investigation of animals with different types of higher nervous activity`s reaction on divers irritants is important way of organism`s adaptive mechanisms disclosure. Realization of that goal might be available only with strong core knowledge about individual characteristics of animals (A.F. Baksheev, 1998), which have different genotypes (V.V. Zaitsev, S.A. Sergeeva, L.M. Zaitseva, 2008).
Relationships between nervous and immune systems are evidenced experimentally (A. Marques-Deak, G. Cizza, E. Sternberg, 2005), furthermore, an effective protection against infections requires complex coordination between nervous and immune systems(, 2013; J.J. Cerqueira, O.F.X. Almeida, N. Sousa, 2008). Molecular and neurophysiological surveys confirm that immunity coordinates by neuron junctions, which act reflexively (K.J. Tracey, 2009).
Despite significant interest in investigating of immune`s reactions mechanisms, the influence on them by animal`s organism individual characteristics is poorly shown.
The aim of work – is to determine a value of influence of force, steadiness and mobility of cortex processes that have taken part in immune reactions during action of biological irritator.
The experiments, which were conducted on replacement gilts, aged of 7–8 months, with a mass of 100–110 kg. The type of higher nervous activity was determined in those animals (V.О. Trokoz, A.V. Trokoz, P.V. Karpovskіyetс, 2014). According to experiment`s result it was formed four experimental groups of animals: strong balanced agile, strong balanced inert, strong unbalanced and weak type of higher nervous activity, it was 8 pigs in each group. Whereupon, with a purpose of biological irritation, all animals were vaccinated against Virus of reproductive and respiratory syndrome by Suiprovac-PRS vaccine which was manufactured by Hipra, Spain. Revaccination was conducted after 28 days.
Before vaccination, after 3,7,14,21,28 days after it, and after 3,7,14,21,28 days after revaccination the investigation of leukocytes in pig`s blood was provided, calculation of relative and absolute number of leukocytes of different forms, in particular lymphocytes had been counted as well. (V.V. Vlizlo, R.S. Fedoruk, I.B. Ratychetc, 2012). After determining of experimental data, single-factor disperse analysis was conducted with aim to investigate a force of influence of main cortex`s processes properties on lymphocyte`s number in blood.
Investigation of lymphocytes has a crucial interest to determining of deep insight into mechanism of organism`s immune response answer acting in animals. It was found, that relative number of lymphocytes in swine`s blood before biological irritation was not influenced by properties of cortex processes. Furthermore, it was not determined any influences by force or mobility on part of lymphocytes in animal`s blood during biological irritation. Speaking about balance, it was found that it was influenced lymphocytes number even after third day after biological irritation.
Disperse analysis results indicate that pigs are not treated biological stimuli, the absolute number of lymphocytes significantly depends on balance of cortical processes.
Impact indicators other two properties were minor. Biological stimulation resulted in reducing the impact of balance and mobility cortical processes in the absolute number of lymphocytes in the blood of pigs to almost zero, but raised to the likely impact of force (η2h = 0.15, p<0.05), although this effect is further decreased to almost zero but became plausible biological after repeated stimulation. A similar effect was observed on balance, mobility and the impact was almost absent until the end of the experiment.
Thus, the impact strength of the basic properties of cortical processes for changing the number of lymphocytes in the formation of post-vaccination immunity but is most concerned strength and balance of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex of the brain. In our studies obtained results confirm published data on individual properties immunological reactivity. So, we had established the individual characteristics of the reaction system white blood cells of pigs on biological irritation.
The impact of the basic properties of cortical processes for changing the number of lymphocytes in the formation of post-vaccination immunity, but most regard the strength and balance of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex of the brain. Further study of the course of immunological reactions in animals with regard to their individual characteristics, which are determined by higher nervous activity.
Key words: pigs, higher nervous activity, cortical processes, strength, balance, mobility, immunity cells.
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