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Indicators of lipid metabolism in blood serum of the dogs with hepatic lipidosis
Hyperlipidemia, a term used to describe an increase in plasma concentrations of cholesterol, total triacylglycerol, or both, is caused by defects in the metabolism of the lipoprotein classes that may be either genetic in origin or, more commonly in dogs, secondary to diseases. Primary hyperlipidemia also occurs but is infrequent. Hyperlipidemia is characterized by hypercholesterolemia and/or hypertriacylglycerolemia, dyslipoproteinemias which are frequently associated with several metabolic complications in primates as well as pets. In the dog, hyperlipidemia is generally associated with ingestion of lipid-rich diets or diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, hepatic lipidosis with cholestasis, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, hyperadrenocorticism, ophthalmopathy, and obesity. In addition, dyslipoproteinemias may be a manifestation of metabolic syndrome, which is associated with the early development of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus in humans and dogs.
Lipoproteins are very large noncellular conglomerations (micelles) of lipids and proteins, which are suspended in plasma or lymph. Their main function is to transport most lipids (steroid hormones and LCFA being notable exceptions) among tissues. Another function of lipoproteins is the esterification of cholesterol. Lipoproteins have a micellar structure in which the least polar molecules (triacylglycerol and cholesterol) occupy the center and more polar molecules (proteins and phospholipids) coat the exterior. Lipoproteins are synthesized almost exclusively by liver and the small intestine.
The objective of the present study was to characterize and compare the lipid profiles and plasma lipoprotein fractions in healthy dogs (n=15). The group consisted of 5 sexually intact females and 10 males. All of the dogs were client owned. All dogs were assessed as healthy on the basis of findings of physical examination and routine serum biochemical analysis (Serum glucose, total and conjugated bilirubin, total protein, albumin, ALT, AST, α-amylase, urea, creatinine). All biochemical tests were performed by collaborators V. I. Levchenko and colleagues. Lipids (the plasma concentrations of total cholesterol and total triacylglycerol ─ TAG) and different fractions of lipoproteins were determined by the detailed explanation of the methods in handbook by V. S. Kamishnikov. In canine plasma lipoproteins with the physical and chemical characteristics of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were identified.
The second group consisted of 24 dogs with hepatic lipidosis, between 3 and 7 years old, the diagnosis was verificated by clinical, echosonografic and biochemical methods. All of these dogs were client owned also. All animals were kept on a mixed diet.
There are concentration of total cholesterol – 4,16-5,26 mmol/l, triacylglycerol 0,57-0,91 mmol/l, cholesterol in HDL fraction - 3,26-4,32 mmol/l, cholesterol in LDL fraction - 0,45-0,71 mmol/l, cholesterol in VLDL fraction - 0,21-0,39 mmol/l. Hyperlipidemia with increases in plasma triacylglycerol and cholesterol levels have been noted in sic dogs with hepatic lipidosis and cholestasis. The increase in cholesterol can be explained in part by the inability of the liver to remove and catabolize cholesterol. However, there is evidence of production of an abnormal LDL, called lipoprotein-X, which is rich in cholesterol. Compared with lean control-group dogs, hepatic lipidosis-group dogs had significantly higher concentrations of cholesterol in total plasma (in 1,5 times ) and in VLDL (in 3,8 times), LDL (in 8,1 times), concentrations of triglycerides in total plasma (in 1,3 times) and concentrations of cholesterol in HDL fractions had significantly lower (in 2,7 times). Considering the animals in this study, it was determined that the dogs with hepatic lipidosis differed significantly from the healthy dogs regarding the metabolism of cholesterol and TAG, as well as their VLDL and HDL fractions.
Treatment of animals was carried out as follows: hepatoprotector «Dyvoprade» at a dose of 1 tablet per 5 kg body weight dog twice a day before eat – 30 days. Solution «Hepavikel»for injections at a dose of 1 ml / 10 kg body weight subcutaneous 1 times in a week (4 injections in a month).
Sick animals were fed with water use without restrictions Used as feed homemade food: buckwheat and / or rice porridge, vegetables (carrots, beets), boiled beef and boneless chicken, boiled sea fish. Control analyses were performed after 30 days of the treatment.
When compared with the healthy and hepatic lipidosis groups before and after treatment, dogs with hepatic lipidosis had a significant decrease in the total concentrations of TAGs, total cholesterol and cholesterol the low and the very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) fractions. In addition, the level of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – cholesterol was significantly higher in dogs with hepatic lipidosis after treatment than in the sic dogs before treatment.
These dates will be used for study of the pathogenesis of hepatic lipidosis and for the diagnostic performance of lipids and lipoproteins at another internal diseases.
Key words: dogs, hepatic lipidosis, diagnostic, blood serum, biochemical tests, lipidogram, treatment.
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