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Influence of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide on antigens of non-specific protection of quails
Intensive poultry farming technologies are closely linked to a variety of environmental, technological, feed and biological stressors, which tend to negatively affect their productivity and immune defenses. In the pathogenesis of such detrimental effects, the leading role belongs to the overproduction of oxygen free radicals - oxidative stress. The latter activates a number of transcription factors, including Nrf-2 and Nf-kB, which modulate the antioxidant defense network and participate in the organization of infection control. NDC is able to reduce the activation of Nf-kB and thus maintain antioxidant balance, but the response of the immune system to this factor is insufficiently studied. The aim of our work is to investigate the effect of NDC on the antigen of non-specific immunity of quails by adding it to drinking water. The object of study were the quail of the Pharaoh breed, experimental and control groups formed at the age of one day on the principle of analogues. The birds were kept in cages with free access to food and water. Quails of the experimental group in drinking water was added to the feed additive Nanocerium at a dose of 8.6 mg per liter of drinking water. This additive is an aqueous dispersion of NDC with an average nanoparticle size of 2-7 nm. The average weight of quails at the end of the experiment (56 days) in the experimental group was 20.2 g greater than in the control. Morphometric studies of the thymus, bursa and spleen showed no effect of NDC on the central and peripheral immune systems. Morphological parameters of the blood were within the physiological norm, but in the experimental group the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content were higher. The leukocyte count showed an increase in the leukocyte count (according to Garkavi LH) in the experimental group. Humoral performance was identical in both groups. Studies of cellular defense indicate no effect on the phagocytic function of peripheralblood cells. Functional and metabolic activity under the influence of NDC in the spontaneous test probably did not differ and increased in the stimulated. Therefore, quails that received nanocerium feed additive with water had a higher immunoresistance.
Key words: birds, nanocerium, morphometry, thymus, natural immunity, morphological parameters of blood, hematopoiesis, humoral immunity, cellular immunity, hematological parameters.
Accepted abbreviations: NDC – nanocrystalline cerium dioxide, ROS – reactive oxygen species, Nf-kB – nuclear factor - kV, Nrf-2 – nuclear factor - erythroid 2 and related factor 2.
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