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Influence of Remivital on the functional state of the liver in cows with ketosis
Ketosis is a severe pathological process with complex symptoms and disturbances in lipids, carbohydrates and proteins oxidation. Main functions of liver and other organs are also often affected in sick animals. Dairy cows of Holstein breed in their second to fourth lactation with milk yield above 8000 kg per previous lactation were taken as material for the study. Clinical examination was done using common methods 2 weeks after calving. Blood was withdrawn from jugular vein. Content of ketone bodies in urine was detected with diagnostic strips (Ketophan, Pliva). Animals with clinical signs of ketosis during postpartum period, which had positive express-test for the presence of ketone bodies in urine, were divided into two groups. Animals from the 1st study group orally were given propylene glycol for five days in dose 400 ml/head/day. Moreover, intravenously they got glucose solution (20%, in dose 500 ml/head/day) and intramuscularly they received insulin (200 U/head/day). Animals from the 2nd study group were given propylene glycol for five days in the same dose as in the 1st group, and intravenously they were administered Remivital in dose 500 ml/head/day. The agent Remivital was developed in Institute of Animal Biology of the NAAS and contains fructose, amino acids and B-group vitamins (В3 and В12). Following parameters were determined in serum: total protein according to Louri and protein fractions by protein fractionation in polyacrylamide gel. Activity of asparagine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl aminotransferase, content of urea, cholesterol and bilirubine were measured using biochemical analyzer Humalyzer 2000 (Germany).
Disturbances in the functional state and structure of liver were revealed in affected with clinical ketosis dairy cows. Development of dysproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercholesterolemia and an increase in activity of cytolytic and cholestatic enzymes was also observed. After conducted medicamentous therapy improvement of functional liver state was recorded in dairy cows in study groups. In particular, improvement of protein-synthetizing function of liver takes place, which manifests through increase of albumin level and decrease of globulins content that leads to an increase of albumin to globulin ratio up to 0.68 in comparison with 0,41 in ketotic cows. Moreover, significant decrease in the level of direct and indirect bilirubin was detected. Significantly lower content of total and esterified cholesterol was detected in blood serum, which caused an increased esterified/total cholesterol index from 0,34 to 0,89. Significant decrease of aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl aminotransferase is indicative of gradual regeneration of liver structure. After comparison of efficacy of two medicamentous therapy regimens it was established that administration of Remivital in combination with propylene glycol is more effective than scheme of treatment with combination of glucose solution, insulin and propylene glycol. This is also confirmed by quicker restoration of investigated parameters toward physiological limits.
Key words: cows, ketosis, Remivital, total protein, protein fractions, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, cholesterol, bilirubin.
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