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Laboratory control antibiotics in keeping production
Laboratory monitoring of residues of antibiotics in honey is a necessary step in the admission of these products into the consumer market. In Ukraine, allowed 16 certified antibiotic drugs, but beekeepers use more types of antibiotics drugs. Information of violations are usually exist in export shipments of honey. Preparations of chloramphenicol and tetracycline belong to the broad-spectrum antibiotics. Tetracycline is commonly used in veterinary medicine in the treatment of many bacterial infections of the digestive system, respiratory system and skin, used as animal growth promoters, so in some countries it is used as a feed additive. The use of tetracycline as growth promoters in the European Union (EU) is prohibited. Tetracycline does not have registration in the EU for the treatment of bees, so there is no established residue levels for this
type of antibiotics in honey. Oxytetracycline is currently the only antibiotic approved for use in Canada to treat bees. Chloramphenicol is banned for use in the EU, US and Japan. The content of residual amounts of Chloramphenicol in Ukrainian honey standardized and equal to 0.3 mg/kg. Significant export potential of Ukrainian honey can be implemented under the condition of constant laboratory testing of products, compliance with safety standards confirmation. Laboratory methods for monitoring honey bee safety performance must comply with the international requirements for specificity, sensitivity and duration of analyzes.
The paper studied the peculiarities of the measurement of chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and tetracycline by modern methods of enzyme immunoassay (EIA). As a result of research determined features of sampling of honey samples which different in texture and color. Written work instructions for carrying out the measurement of residual amounts of tetracycline and chloramphenicol in honey. The method requires special laboratory equipment: thermostats and stirring devices, devices for washing and measuring the optical density of the solutions. Also, the method is sensitive to environmental conditions, method is requires a separate room to avoid contamination. The investigated method allows to get the result for the four samples of honey about residual quantities of antibiotics for five–six hours. The duration of the analysis depends on the consistency of honey samples and increases only in the first stage of sample preparation – the formation of laboratory samples from samples. It was established that the linear dependence of the analytical signal of chloramphenicol concentrations in the range of concentrations of 0.25 mg/kg to 5.0 mg/kg of honey. The linear dependence of the measured extinction in studies of tetracycline set in the range of 0.25 mg/kg to 12.0 mg/kg of honey. The limit of quantification of tetracycline and chloramphenicol using test systems A1 and A2 is 0.25 mg/kg. The analysis of six samples of honey bought in the market, by this method, revealed that the sample number 1 (a dark, thick honey) containing tetracycline in an amount of 6.1±0.5 mg/kg and sample number 3 (light, liquid honey) that also did not meet the requirements of State Standard of Ukraine 4497:2005 and contains tetracycline in an amount of 1.4±0.3 mg/kg. Identifying hazardous honey samples suggests the relevance of research and the need to control honey sold on the domestic market.
Key words: chloramphenicol, tetracycline, enzyme immunoassay, high performance liquid chromatography, honey.
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