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Madison in the anesthesia of surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity of dogs
In the course of preclinical studies, it was found that "Madison" (LLC "Brovopharma") has a soothing, miorelaksating effect, moderately pain-relieving; Has a hypothermic effect. Its intravenous use in dogs at recommended doses may be accompanied by vomiting claims. For intravenous administration of the drug its action begins in 4-5 minutes and lasts 30-
35 minutes, and for intramuscular – after 8-10 minutes and lasts 40-60 minutes.
The use of the drug "Madison" (LLC "Brovafarma") is acceptable in doses ranging from 0.01 to 0.05 mg / kg. The optimal dose of the drug is 0.04 mg / kg of body weight.
The second stage of our work was to study the drug "Madison" in the schemes of anesthesia, after intramuscular administration, marked a calming, muscle relaxant effect; Weak hypothermic effect, slight inhibition of respiration, its action began in 4-5 minutes from the moment of introduction. In the case of xylazine, the clinical picture was similar, pronounced inhibition of the respiratory function, all patients after the administration of xylazine for 3-5 minutes were registered claims for vomiting. The action of xylazine began in 5-7 minutes after the injection
The use of selected anesthetic schemes for laparotomy operations in dogs was accompanied by suppression of the central nervous system, loss of skeletal muscle tone, and varying degrees of analgesia. The onset of anesthesia in all groups was rapid and averaged 0.5-1 min after the introduction of anesthetic.
The undoubted advantage of anesthetic regimes with the use of propofol is their manageability. Thus, the duration of anesthesia in the first and third groups was determined by the time of the anesthetic action and amounted respectively to 7.9 ± 1.3 and 7.4 ± 0.56 min. While the second duration of anesthesia was 19.5 ± 1.3 min. The specified time intervals are usually not enough to perform surgical interventions, therefore, it is necessary to re-apply blissfully for the abovementioned preparations in order to maintain the proper level of anesthesia.
An important point in assessing anesthetic regimens is to provide an adequate analgesic effect. None of the used anesthetics has a pronounced analgesic effect. However inclusion in the scheme of premedication of neuroleptics of mediason and xylazine allowed in all groups to bring the analgesic effect to adequate and to obtain a distinct anesthetic effect for abdominal interventions.
In all anesthetic systems, respiratory depression was found in dogs, the most significant was when using thiophenate. In the second and third groups, immediately after the administration of the anesthetic, a short-term increase in respiratory rate followed by short-term apnea and subsequent inhibition was observed. A short-term increase in heart rate is set in the first and second groups with further inhibition of the heart rate in all groups.
For anesthesia, the mediation and propofol of patients restoration after the termination of administration is fairly rapid, within 23,26 ± 0,4 min, the animals open the eyes, begin to respond to external stimuli, raise their head. With the use of xylazine and propofol, this time is within 36,5 ± 1,3 min. The longest awakening of patients continues with the use of thiophenate to 58.3 ± 6.6 min.
The study of basic vital indicators in animals of all groups shows a probable decrease in the frequency of heart contractions both during premedication and in anesthetized animals. At the same time, the probable depression of cardiovascular activity of 79.2 ± 0.8 beats / min and respiratory systems was 16.8 ± 1.3 dpi / min in animals of the second group where thiophenate was used. The aforesaid weakening of cardiac activity and respiration caused a probable decrease in the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen, in particular, the SpO2 index was significantly lowered to 88.7 ± 2.3% compared with the state of anesthesia.
The use of mediestinal anesthetic regimens was accompanied by a potential decrease in cardiac activity, but the heart rate was significantly higher than in the use of xylazine. The rest of the studied indicators tended to decrease within the normal range.The reaction of the dog's body to the use of medison and propofol was similar, and the frequency of heart contractions was lowered, while the frequency of respiration and SpO2 was not significantly reduced.The action of most anesthetics is accompanied by a violation of the temperature regulation of the body, a probable reduction in body temperature in the second and third groups in accordance with 37,1 ± 0,3 and 36,8 ± 0,4 ° C. With anesthesia with medison and propofol, the temperature dropped but not likely.
The use of the drug "Madison" (LLC "Brovafarma") is acceptable in doses ranging from 0.01 to 0.05 mg / kg. The optimal dose of the drug is 0.04 mg / kg of body weight.
The use of medisson in the anesthetic scheme for dogs for surgical interventions on the abdominal organs can reduce the risk of hemodynamic disorders, which is especially relevant in animals with cardiovascular insufficiency, significant loss of blood, shock conditions.
The benefits of the medison-propofol combination include high levels of anesthetic management, the ability to quickly change the depth of anesthesia, long-term anesthesia support, and a rapid exit from anesthesia, creating prospects for further implementation into practice. The disadvantages of this type of anesthesia are the need for constant bolus administration to support anesthesia or drip administration, which complicates dosage and control.
The use of xylazine for dog anesthesia poses a threat to haemodynamic disorders in patients, the respiratory and cardiovascular system is significantly inhibited, which makes it impossible for patients to use in critical conditions, in old animals and in cardiovascular insufficiency.
Key words: medetomidine, madison, dogs, abdominal pathology, anesthetic patterns.
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