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The maintenance of total fraction phospholipids and phosphorylcholine in plasma of blood of horses at purulent wounds
The contents of a total fraction of phospholipids and phosphorylcholines in blood plasma of the horses after operation.
The data of mass-spectrography, as for the total fraction of phospholipids and phosphorylcholine in blood plasma of horses during the process of treatment using different therapeutic techniques, gives evidence that their concentration in the test sediments increases on the 2nd day of usage.
In the second test group of horses, at the same time, because of the progressing process of wound infection, increase of the mentioned rates was higher.
Comparing the rates of FPL concentration of the second group with the same of the first it is clearly seen that they were 1,92 times higher.
On the 5th day of treatment, registered, possible, increase of FPL rate, in the first test group in 3,05 times, and rate of PC in 2.14 times.
Animals of the second test group the rate of FPL increased in 1,93 times and rate of PC increased in 2.08 times.
The 9th day of treatment, during the period of inflammatory processes decay, both rates stabilize gradually, but the first test group shows more expressed stabilization.
The rate of FPL in the first test group showed 21% decrease, the decrease in the second group was 28%.
The rate of PC showed the decrease in both test groups 21 % in the first and 16,8 % in the second.
Wound healing (the 14th day of treatment), accompanied with the further decrease of FPL rate per 39,7 % in the first test group, and per 36,9% in the second.
The rate of PC during the same period also decreased per 36,3 % in the firs group and per 38,7 % in the second.
The 20th day of treatment with the cuticularization of wound the testing rates showed further decrease, getting closer to the rate of intact animals.
So, the rate of FPL in both test groups decreased per 33,8% in the first and per 41,8% in the second. It is worth being mentioned that their rate differed from the intact animals per 7,09 a.u. in the first group, and per 8,34 a.u. in the second.
The rate of PC during this period decreased per 18,5% in the first and per 25% in the second test group, overcoming the first rate per 3,28 a.u. in the first group and per 5,55 a.u in the second.
The increase of phospholipids rate may be caused by tissue destruction that is the cause of lipid appearance from the structural elements of the cells. Moreover lipids being the main partners of enzymatic processes, cause the increase of enzymatic activity during the phase of wound self cleansing and decrease the process of granulation and cuticularization of wounds, that was shown by the experiment.
Key words: phospholipids, phosphorylcholines, horses, purulent wounds.
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