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Monitoring of biochemical control blood for epidural anesthesia in pigs
The results of studies on the influence of epidural analgesia on the level of lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes, glucose and the stress hormone cortisol by surgery.
The influence on the processes of lipid peroxidation local veterinary drugs. The data antioxidant status of amide local anesthetics (lidocaine, bupivacaine), tranquilizers on a number of phenothiazine derivatives (atsepromazyn), barbiturates (thiopental sodium). Thus, the results of studies to sedation level of MDA in serum of piglets was 10,1±0,69 mmol/l. Trends in MDA after anesthesia in different groups differently, but not likely accurate, show a tendency to increase postoperative level of malondialdehyde in the control and experimental groups first. He was the highest in the control group and were respectively 11,1±1,18 mmol/l.
This increase in MDA probably due to insufficient analgesia, because thiopental sodium no analgesic properties, but we know that this barbiturate has antioxidant action and thus able to reduce the level of lipid peroxidation products.
In the experimental group provide an adequate level of anesthesia epidural anesthesia, indicators of MDA were lower compared with the control, due to the antioxidant properties of amide local anesthetics. So in the second experimental group malondialdehyde levels lower than normal, and its rate of 8,5±1,25 mmol/l confirms that bupivacaine exhibits stronger antioxidant effect than with lidocaine.
Level of MSM as a marker of endotoxemia in serum of piglets before sedation was 0,12±0,007 g/l. After surgery in all groups of animals monitored tendency to a slight increase in the MSM. It was greatest in the second experimental group 0,15±0,018 g/l, in which the level of average molecular weight increased 1,2 fold compared with the rate for anesthesia. So unlike lidocaine and bupivacaine thiopental sodium showed long exposure time, which could cause a metabolic response from MSM. Minor fluctuations in the levels of MDA and the MSM is probably related to the use of anesthesia circuits atsepromazynu which shows antioxidant properties.
Indices of glucose (in whole blood) and cortisol (in syrovottsi blood) in the complex use of neuroleptics and local anesthetics for epidural anesthesia. Investigated limit increase cortisol levels at which the body of the pig does not undergo significant metabolic changes in the pain response.
The level of glucose in the blood of pigs before sedation was 6,0±0,43 mmol/l, which is hardly different from the index rules 6,0±0,37 mmol/l. After surgery monitored its growth trend, with a range from 1.4 (control group) to 1.3 (second experimental group) times, which was in accordance with the level of glucose 8,3±1,14 mmol/l to 7,6±1.45 mmol/l. However, in the second experimental group did not differ from the index to the operational level and amounted to 5,7±0,59 mmol/l. Dynamics of fluctuations in glucose is an indication that atsepromazyn not affect changes in blood glucose levels.
The level of cortisol in normal pigs was 137,6±17,98 nmol/l. After fixing the animal on the operating table index was significantly increased (p<0,05) by 1,7 times and amounted to respectively 240,4 ± 37,69 nmol/l. Blood glucose thus remained unchanged. Changes in cortisol indicates that pigs developing stress-response for fixation.
After surgery monitored its growth trend, with a range from 1,2 (the first experimental group) and 2,0 (control group) times, which was in accordance with the level of cortisol from 301,2±48,97 nmol/l to 474,8±112.06 nmol/l. However, significant (p<0,01) rate was the second experimental group and were respectively 443,3±51,93 nmol/l.
Manifestation of vocalizations and increased postoperative cortisol levels in the experimental group indicates that animals feel pain. After atsepromazyn and thiopental sodium did not possess analgesic properties, although barbiturates reduce the level of corticosteroids, including cortisol.
In the second experimental group experienced discomfort pig (nystagm, oscillatory movements of the head from side to side), and cortisol levels thus was 1,5 times higher than in the first experimental group and amounted to 443,3±51,93 nmol/l compared with 301,2±48,97 nmol/l. In this case, lidocaine better than bupivacaine because there is less fat soluble.
For epidural analgesia increase cortisol levels to an average of 450 nmol/l does not indicate pain sensation in pigs.
Given the less pronounced changes in the levels of MDA, MSM, glucose and cortisol in the blood, the most appropriate scheme anesthesia for surgery in pigs is atsepromazynum sedation and epidural lidocaine.
Key words: pigs, anesthesia, bupivacaine, lidocaine, cortisol, glucose, malonic dialdehyde, the average mass of the molecule.
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