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The morphological composition of the blood and the peculiarities of metabolism in gonadectomized cockerels of the Adler silvery breed
The article reflects the results of a study of the morphological composition of blood, indicators of metabolism and the content of hormones in the blood plasma of gonadectomized cockerels of the Adler silvery breed. In the experiment, 40 males were used at the age of 6 weeks, of which two groups were formed, a control and an experimental, 20 heads each. It was found that during the preparatory (leveling) period, the clinical state, morphological composition of blood and metabolic parameters in the experimental group of males did not differ from each other and were within the limits of their physiological values. There were also no differences in blood glucose concentration, protein content, triglycerol, cholesterol, uric acid, as well as the activity of alkaline phosphatase, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase in the blood plasma of cockerels in the experimental and control groups during the preparatory period. Gonadectomy of males by surgical intervention at the age of six weeks did not significantly affect the morphology of their blood on the third day, with the exception of ESR, the value of which in birds of the experimental group was 1.9 times higher than in the control. In gonadectomized males, the number of platelets in the blood decreased by 30.7% compared to the control, which indicates a decrease in platelet activity and is probably associated with their participation in blood coagulation processes in the body after gonadectomy. Other indicators of the morphological composition of blood, namely, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils in gonadectomized males did not change compared with the control. It was found that the concentration of glucose in the blood, as well as total protein and uric acid in the blood plasma of males who underwent gonadectomy on the third day of the research period were at the level of the values of the control group birds and corresponded to the physiological values of these parameters in clinically healthy birds. On the 125th day of the main period in gonadectomized males, the level of glucose and protein, as well as indicators of lipid metabolism, namely, the concentration of triglycerol and cholesterol in the blood plasma did not change, while the content of uric acid increased by 23.7% compared with the control. It was found that the content of cortisol in the blood plasma of gonadectomized males was 3.2 times lower, and testosterone 10.2 times lower than in the control. So, gonadectomy of cockerels does not affect the morphological composition of the blood, indicators of the metabolic status of the bird, but it helps to reduce the content of cortisol and testosterone in the blood plasma.
Key words: roosters, gonadectomy, blood morphology, metabolic parameters, enzyme activity, cortisol, testosterone.
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