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The Motor activity of suckling piglets administered with iron-holding compounds
Iron deficiency in piglets leads to a reduction of motor activity. The use of nanopreparations of Fe and irondextranes promotes the increasing of Fe content in the blood plasma; stimulates the physical activity and competitive ability during the fight for the milk nipples.
Physical activity of piglets depends on many factors. It may be physiological condition, age, external temperature and light, weight at birth and so on. One of the limiting factors of growth and development in piglets are the level of Fe in the body. [Anemia, hypoxia, decreased intensity of cellular respiration]. All of them are developed when Fe content is reduced. Iron-holding drugs are used to prevent iron deficiency and anemia in piglets. Irondextrane compounds are often used in veterinary medicine as a prophylactic measure for the condition, but they have a prooxidant effect.
Among the various types and methods of Fe supply special attention deserves the using of nanoparticles. Taking into account the unique structure and properties of nanomaterials, researchers revealed opportunities for their use in veterinary medicine. Promising avenue of contemporary research is the use iron-holding nanoparticles. They express their biological effect in more pronounced way than the other forms of drugs, but their dose may be lower tens or hundreds of times. We have previously found that the combined use of Fe nanopreparations with Brovaferane 100 contributes to the intensification of haemopoesis, increases productivity and general resistance of piglets.
We examined physical activity of piglets depending on their iron level and the use of different compounds of Fe (rovaferan 100, Fe nanopreparation and their combination). The animals of the control group were found with critically low Fe content in the blood plasma at the 5th and 10th day of life. Clinical signs of anemia were manifested in 19 animals. At the same time, the concentration of Fe in the second experimental group of piglets (Fe nanopreparation) did not differ significantly from the control, but the clinical signs of anemia were found only in 5 animals.
The experiment was carried out on 4 groups of large white breed pigs, birth body weight 1200-1250 g, 30 animals in each group. Piglets of the control group were injected 1 ml of saline intramuscularly. The piglets of the first experimental group were injected with 2 ml of Brovaferan-100 (100 mg Fe/ml). Piglets of group II were administered 1 ml Fe nanopreparation (iron citrate with the Fe content 1mg/ml). The piglets of the third group were administered 2 ml of Fe nanopreparation. The piglets of the fourth group were injected 1 ml of Brovaferane 100 and 1 ml of Fe nanopreparation. The animal motor activity (time spent sucking, rest and movement) were monitored on the 7th, 20th and 30th day of studies using surveillance system Danrou KCR-6324DR. To study the iron content the blood samples were collected through cranial vena cava at 5, 10, 20, and 30 days of life in 5 animals from each group. Iron contents were determined in heparynized plasma using photometric method at a wavelength of 562 nm.
It was found that the viability of newborn piglets is greatly influenced by Fe content in the body. Piglets with signs of anemia spend more time to reach nipples and fight for them. At the same time their colostrums uptake decreased. In the control group the piglet's mortality was 3 times higher than in piglets of the experimental groups.
Conclusions. The iron deficiency in suckling piglets reduces mobility and suckling time. These pigs occupy nipples less and it leads to a decline in their performance. Introduction Fe nanoaquahelate complex promotes the increase of Fe content in the blood plasma of the suckling pigs on the 20th day of life. Introduction of Fe nanoaquahelate probably do not improve their locomotor activity compared with the use of brovaferanum, but the pigs were more competitive in fighting for teats and had higher colostrum intake, which will definitely positively affect the performance of the animals.
Key word: piglets, nanopreparations, ferum, locomotor activity.
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