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Multicenter retrospective study on the prevalence of idiopathic cystitis in domestic cats within a metropolis
The domestic cat has a predisposition to diseases of the genitourinary system. Among the diseases of the lower urinary tract in a domestic cat, the leading place belongs to cystitis. Among cats living in city apartments, compared with cats on free range, the diagnosis of idiopathic cystitis is 2.5 times more common . The lack of contact of the organism with the environment and threats has led to a decrease in the resistance of cats to stress. Prior to the publication of this article, there was no official information on the age and breed predisposition to idiopathic cystitis in domestic cats within the metropolis of Ukraine. We identified the following groups of pathologies: idiopathic cystitis, urolithiasis, bacterial cystitis and urethral plugs. 2 age groups of animals were formed - up to 6 and older than 6 years. The study involved domestic cats of 29 breeds. The study is retrospective and multicenter and it includes data obtained on the basis of outpatient journals of the network of Zoolux clinics from 09.10.2020 to 12.07.2021. A total of 384 clinical cases were used in the study, of which 44 were eliminated. Idiopathic cystitis was diagnosed in 256 animals (75.3%), of which males - 159 (62.1%) and females - 97 (37.9%). Domestic cats under 6 years of age (179 animals, 69.9%) most often suffered from idiopathic cystitis. Domestic cats of Eastern European breeds were the largest population among patients with idiopathic cystitis of cats of long- and short-haired breeds (138 animals, 53.9%).
Key words: dysuria, stranguria, urocystitis, stress factors, urolithiasis, pollakiuria, lower urinary tract.
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