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The problem of ensuring the well-being of veterinary livestock in stock-raising
The article outlines the major infectious diseases that had been diagnosed in the territory of Ukraine and the problems of noinfectious pathology in high-yielding cows and poultry in 2013–2014.
Following official communications of the International epizootic Organisation (IEO) from the beginning of 2013 the African swine fever (ASF) is incorporated in 5 countries of the world, in that number the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus'.
From 1988 the stock-raising of Ukraine is free from to the foot-and-mouth disease of cattle.
A situation to the infectious diseases of bird in the world is difficult. From data of IEO the high-pathogenic flu of bird is incorpo-rated in 16 countries of the world, Newcastle disease – 63, including 6 countries of Europe (Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Czekh) for the last two years. In obedience to official statistics for the last 5 years annually a salmonellosis is diagnosed in 0,9–2,0 % of Ukraine birds’ farms.
In 2013 in Ukraine it is discovered 1296 unhappy in relation to rabies points. With the purpose of limitation of distribution of rabies in Ukraine Government veterinary and fitosanitarity service is use the complex of measures, foreseen Program of making healthy the territory of Ukraine from rabies on 2008–2015. The special attention is spared liquidation of hydrophobia among wild animals the leadthroughs of peroral immunization.
The practice of the last 10–20 years of conducts the cattle breeding shows high morbidity of highly productive cows. Especially widespread the diseases of liver (50–80 % cows with yields 8–10 th. kg of milk) and metabolic pathology: acidosis of rumen, ketosis, osteodystrophy, including secondary, A-hypovitaminosis, calving hypocalciemia and hypophosphatemia, displacement of abomasum, microelementosis. It is set that in highly productive cows these diseases rarely run across independently, separately. As a rule, observed their united motion, which puts new tasks in their diagnostics, complex therapy and prophylactic. Importance of these problems consists in that they not only draw mass shortages, reduction of terms of their exploitation, decline of genetic potential, but also influence on quality of stock-raising products and maintenance of gene pool of highly productive animals.
Genetic anomalies in Ukraine remain less studied, caused, in particular, by a metabolic disturbance, genetic diseases of milking cattle, their transmitters. Important direction in the study of the reproduced function of cows population are hormonal and genetic researches.
The necessary direction is a study of internal pathology in poultries of different kinds. In birds of highly productive crosses the liver, kidney, organs of the endocrine system, ovaries, very dynamic phosphoric-calcium and the D-vitamin exchange function in the especially tense mode. In the case of products and feed disbalance there is disorders of synergism of metabolism processes, related with metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. At the same time in highly productive crosses of laying-hens can run across A-, D- and E-hypovitaminosis, perosis and B1-hypovitaminosis, fatty liver dystrophy and uric acid diathesis, nephrite and osteodystrophy, hepatodistrophy and osteoporosis and others. The questions about norms of general feed value of ration and exchange energy remain priority directions of researches. Foundation for this purpose is the different going near setting of norms of their maintenance in the rations of feeding.
Complication of timely diagnostics of the mentioned diseases consists in their subclinical across and long time does not disturb veterinary specialists. Their diagnostics must be based on complex laboratory researches of forage and biological materials, and for this purpose necessary rigging of laboratories by modern equipment and reagents. It will enable to prepare premixes and work on even in single scientific space with the leading centers of Europe as a result of such researches.
It follows carefully to belong in the complement of foreign premixes which do not take into account the features of different areas of Ukraine. Informative meaningfulness of some diagnostic criterions and normal physiological indexes, the concepts of “norms and pathologies” need recomprehension.
The basis of prophylactic the internal diseases of animals is balanced by nourishing and bioactive nutrients feeding of animals, diagnostic of diseases at the subclinical stage, account of polimorbidity of internal and metabolic pathology.
Developments of scientists must find a road in life. Practitioners must incarnate them. Therefore the employees of higher university and SRI necessary to conduct the thoughtful piece of work in relation to preparation of specialists of veterinary medicine and increase of their qualification.
Key words: swine fever, rabies, bird flu, ketosis, osteodystrophy, liver diseases, hypovitaminosis A, uric acid diathesis.
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