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Protective effect of enterosorbents at the combined action of ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol on the body of broiler chickens

The most dangerous for animal health are feed contaminants of anthropogenic and natural origin. Among them, most important significance has the widespread toxic mold metabolites – mycotoxins. Today more than 350 species micromicetes produce more than 400 mycotoxins. The most important mycotoxins are produced by molds belonging to the Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium genera.

To study the effects of ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol combinations on the body weight gain and clinical status of broiler chickens, find out the possibility of reducing the negative impact of these mycotoxins using enterosorbents.

The obtained results showed that feeding broiler chickens with ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol contaminated feed is accompanied by breach of clinical status (depression, decrease of motor activity, incoordination of movement, tremor of the limbs and muscles of the neck, inflammation of the oral mucosa cavity, diarrhea). In the presence of these mycotoxins in feed intake of feed in broiler chickens decreased intake of water increases and body weight gain decrease.

Adding to the contaminated feed enterosorbents in recommended doses reduces the negative effects on the productivity of broiler chickens and provides a gain in body weight at the productivity level of control group.

The body weight of 42-day old broiler chickens from first experimental group was less than the body weight of birds in the control group to 356,0 g (p≤0,05). The biggest weight of broiler chickens was in the second experimental group 2103,00±16,20 g, to 84,0 g more as bird of control group (p≤0,05) and to 440,0 g of body weight over broiler chickens of the first experimental group.

The body weight of broiler chickens from third experimental group was 2062,80±8,03 g, which is only 43,0 g more than in birds of the control group (p≤0,05) and 339,0 g of body weight more of broiler chickens of the first experimental group.

The body weight of broiler chickens from fourth experimental group, which were fed with ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol contaminated feed and birch carbon, was at the rate of the control group and was 2020,80±6,64 g, but higher than the index of the first poultry research group to 357,0 g.

Feeding broiler chicken feed containing ochratoxin A (0,338 mg/kg) and deoxynivalenol (1,095 mg/kg) accompanied by signs combined mycotoxicosis, which shows a decrease in appetite, depression, thirst, diarrhea, nervous disorders (poor coordination of movements, tremor muscles of the limbs and neck, seizures, convulsions) and growth retardation .

Feeding broiler chickens contaminated feed ochratoxin A and deoxynivaleno with enterosorbents Toxy-Nil® Plus Unike (2nd experimental group) – 1,5 kg/t, Mycofix® Plus 3.E (3rd experimental group) – 1,5 kg/t and activated birch carbon (4th experimental group) – 3 % of the dry matter of feed reduced the negative effects of mycotoxins and ensured the growth of body weight as parameters level at the control group birds.

More pronounced protective effect on the impact of the studied mycotoxins showed Toxy-Nil® Plus Unike at the rate 1,5 kg/t of feed, somewhat smaller Mycofix® Plus 3.E in an amount 1,5 kg/t of feed and activated birch carbon in an amount of 3 % of dry matter feed.

Key words: deoxynivalenol, broiler chickens, ochratoxin A, sorbents.

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