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The role of vascular-platelet hemostasis in necrobacteriosis lesions limbs and different methods of treatment in cattle
Purulent-necrotic lesions in the extremities of cows cause significant economic industry loss. Last consist of reduced yield, product quality and premature culling cows. Often purulent-necrotic processes in the area of fingers in cattle involving obstetric and gynecological disease, which affects herd reproduction .
The causative agent of the disease is F. necrophorum, its cells isolated from lesions in association with aerobic microorganisms. Last insensitive to drugs that act on F. necrophorum and therefore treatment by traditional means has the desired effect. Contributing factors in the development of necrobacteriosis is to reduce the immune status and disturbance of microcirculation in the tissues of the extremities, deterioration of rheological properties of blood.
In experiments on animals (40 patients) it was found that orthopedic pathology of necrobacteriosis character in cattle is accompanied by progressive deficiency of natural anticoagulants, reduced fibrinolytic properties of blood and the development of coagulopathy. Using traditional treatment (surgical and aseptic processing of affected areas, application wipes impregnated with ointment "Levomekol") promotes healing of animals at 12–14 days.
Application of Tseftioklin or its combination with Аvestym for orthopedic pathology in calves increased effectiveness of traditional treatment. Thus, full recovery of animals from first and second groups are noted for 7–9 days, with the addition of treatment regimens «Аvestym» (3rd experimental group) animals recovering in 10–11 days, respectively.
In the study of platelet aggregation properties, it was found that with purulent necrotic lesions of the extremities in bovine coagulation processes are enhanced by vascular-platelet hemostasis system level, as indicated by increased total index of platelet aggregation (TIPA) – 71,8±2,39 %. However, the animals of first and second experimental group was reduced TIPA – 42,5±4,15, and 47,3±4,19 % (p<0,001), respectively. This suggests that treatment of bulls with Тseftioklin and its combination with Аvestym fixes in recent intensification of coagulation processes by reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.
The use of the Аvestym contributed to increased synthesis of natural anticoagulant – nitric oxide (NO), animals in second experimental group (NOx – 18,1±1,76 mсmol/l, p<0.01) and predetermined decrease platelet aggregation.
Supplement of Тseftioklin and Аvestym had a positive effect on fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma of sick animals, including the activity of tissue plasminogen activator produced by the vascular endothelium. This indicated that with purulent necrotic lesions in the region of the fingers in cattle developing degenerative changes in the vascular wall. Application Аvestym eliminates negative effects on vascular endothelium, because it is a drug of triazole series, which has high membranostabilizing, antioxidant and detoxifying properties.
Application of Тseftioklin and immunomodulator Аvestym in the treatment of limb necrobacteriosis injuries in cattle prevents the development of coagulopathy in sick animals by increasing levels of nitric oxide and protein C. Under the influence of these drugs improves the functional state of the vascular endothelium and increases fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma clinically evident in the brief term recovery of patients (5–7 days) compared to traditional treatment.
Key words: necrobacteriosis, cattle, Аvestym, hemostasis.
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