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Safety and quality of sweet and cream oil of various domestic manufacturers and determining its falsification
The entry of domestic products into European markets has set Ukrainian entrepreneurs the task - to increase their production, ensure safety, quality and competitiveness. The purpose of the study is to assess the safety and quality of sweet butter obtained from various domestic producers, and to determine its falsification by the generally accepted method and the developed patented express method. The object of the study was the assessment of organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological parameters and falsification of sweet butter obtained from various milk processing enterprises of Ukraine: Lustdorf LLC and Fooddevelopment LLC, Vinnytsia region; TDV "Yagotinsky butter factory"; PE "SIMOL", Kyiv region; State Enterprise "Starokostiantyniv Dairy Plant", Khmelnytsky region. Analytical, organoleptic (appearance, color, consistency, smell, taste) were used to achieve the research goal; physicochemical (mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction of fat, titrated acidity of plasma oil and acidity of fatty phase of oil, mass fraction of sodium chloride, determination of margarine and vegetable fats), microbiological (KMAFАNM, the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms, in particular genus Salmonella, species Listeria monocytogenes; molds) and variation-statistical research methods. Developed patented express method for detecting adulteration of sweet cream oil using resorcinol solution in benzene with a mass fraction of 5.0% and concentrated hydrochloric acid can be used in production laboratories at milk and dairy products, supermarkets, wholesale bases, shops and public laboratories. in laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination in agro-industrial markets. The oil produced by different manufacturers according to organoleptic parameters: appearance, color, texture, smell and taste met the requirements of DSTU 4399: 2005. According to physical and chemical parameters, the samples of sweet butter also met DSTU 4399: 2005, except for sample № 5 (SE "Starokostiantyniv Dairy Plant" of Khmelnytsky region), which showed an increase of + 0.6% by weight of sodium chloride. Research has established the falsification of sweet cream oil according to the developed patented method, according to which the probability in the indicators was 99.9%, produced: TDV "Yagotinsky butter factory" - up to 1.5% (light purple color) oil and "Farm Peasant", manufacturer LLC Food Development "- from 1.6 to 5.0% (bright purple color). Microbiological parameters of sweet butter: KMAFANM, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, bacteria of the genus Salmonella, species Listeria monocytogenes, as well as molds met the requirements of DSTU 4399: 2005.
Key words: sweet and butter, dairy processing enterprises of Ukraine, organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological indicators, falsification, safety, quality.
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