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Spread and seasonal dynamics of dogs helminthiasis in BilaTserkva district
Over the past decades, the number of dogs and cats has increased significantly on the territory of Ukraine. At each step, animals are in danger of non-contagious and contagious etiology. Parasitic diseases are almost half of the entire contagious pathologies of small animals. Number of invasive diseases depends on the following factors: season, age, sex, breeding features and also implementation and control of preventive measures against helminthiasis. Therefore, our research is to study thefeatures of distribution, seasonality, species composition and extensiveness of invasion of dog gelminthias on the territory of Bila Tserkva district, Kyiv region. The helminthocoproovoscopy research was carried out with a combined method standardized by G.O. Kotelnikov and V.M . Khrenov. The result of the study of faeces tests showed the problems of Bila Tserkva district with nematodoses and cestodoses of dogs. Regarding the species composition of the helminths we found, the helminths of the Nematoda class had a significant advantage: T. vulpis, T. canis, T. leonina, A. caninum, C. plica, U. stenocephala; among Cestoda class helminths, only D. caninum was diagnosed. Diagnosed pathogens of helminthiasis in dogs were mono- and myxinvasions. The research of seasonal dynamics of dog helminthosis revealed a high prevalence throughout the year. In summer, the helminthic prevalence of dogs reached the maximum index. In autumn, the intensity decrease. In winter, we received the minimum EI. In spring, the number of ill animals was increased. The species composition recorded by us in the spring was presented: T. vulpis and T. canis, both mono- and myxinvasion. In summer, T. vulpis, T. canis, C. plica, A. caninum, U. stenocephala. In winter, T. vulpis and T. canis dominate again. A feature of the autumn season for helminthiasis in dogs was the predominance of T. vulpis over other species of nematodes and cestodes in dogs. Regarding the age, sex and breed characteristics of the dog, the following results were obtained. The most comfortable were animals aged from birth to 7 years. Sex of animals (female, male), as shown by the results of our study, without affecting the infestation of helminthic infestations of dogs. As follows from the analysis of the results of helminthological studies, more susceptible are animals of the German Shepherd, Dachshund, Russian Spaniel breeds.
Key words: epizootology, seasonality, dogs, helminthiasis, trichurosis, toxocariasis, intestinal strongylates, coproovoscopic studies, extensiveness of invasion.
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