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State of endogenous intoxication and antioxidant system of clinically healthy pigs with implantation from alloplastic material polytetrafluoroethylene
One of the most promising treatments of animals' hernias is the using of alloplastic materials that provide the necessary strength of the area of tissue defect and don't cause increased intra-abdominal pressure.
The strengthening of lipid peroxidation is nonspecific response to tissue damage, that's why the concentration of lipid peroxidation oxidation products used as a prognostic indicator of the severity of condition of the patients.
One of the important points that characterize the course of metabolic reactions in the body is the condition of endogenous intoxication, which always takes place after any surgery.
The molecular of average weight which are produced in excessive amounts in the focus of inflammation, following to the blood, with significant bioactive properties.
The changes of the concentration of malondialdehyde which formes as a result of enhancement of lipid peroxidation also were described the state of detoxification processes in the body.
The system of antioxidant defense, which has the protein component as ceruloplasmin makes non-specific antioxidant protection.
The article presents information about monitoring of the state of endogenous intoxication and antioxidant system of pigs based on the dynamics of changes in the concentration middle molecular peptides, malonic dialdehyde and ceruloplasmin in the blood of healthy pigs during implantation of the alloplastic material polytetrafluoroethylene.
The research was made with healthy pigs aged 2–4 months. Operatinal intervention to implantation of alloplastic material polytetrafluoroethylene in pigs was made in compliance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis after preliminary anesthesia.
In order to the introduction of implants was made median incision of the tissue of the abdominal wall 4 cm long, making distance from the navel 1.5–2 cm. After skin incision of the tissue was separated by blunt to area of the abdominal wall (white band of the belly). For implantation were used sterile pieces of the grid with polytetrafluoroethylene 10x20 mm. The grid was put under the skin in the area of muscle-aponeurotic part of the front abdominal wall.
The animals of the control group surgery were made identically but without implantation aloplastic material.
Healing of surgical wounds in all cases surgery was without complications by primary intention. Sutures are removed after 7 days from the moment of initial surgery.
At 3, 7, 14 and 21 th day since the surgery in both groups of animals performed a blood sampling for biochemical research.
Negative changes in the general state of the experimental animals we have not seen: the body temperature of animals was within the physiological norm, animals moved actively, had satisfactory appetite and adequately respond to external stimuli.
On the second day after surgery the tissue in the area of the wound of the animals were slightly swollen, there were signs of inflammation (moderate hyperemia and hyperthermia of edges of the wound tissue around it), a small selection of serous fluid, which gradually disappeared during the next week.
Growth of dynamics of average weight of molecular, malonic dialdehyde and ceruloplasmin in animals body after surgery is linked to the state of inflammation in the area of the wound, which appears as a result of injury to the tissues of the abdominal wall during surgery , we were not observed the significant difference between the experimental and control animal groups.
Analyzing the data, we concluded that the presence alloplastic material polytetrafluoroethylene material in the cavity of the wound of one of the groups of pigs does not adversely affect the course of wound healing , probably does not affect the concentration of average weight of molecular, malonic dialdehyde, ceruloplasmin during the course of inflammation in the postoperative period, which confirms the indifference alloplastic material polytetrafluoroethylene material in the body of pig.
Key words: peroxide lipid oxidation, average weight of molecular, malonic dialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, alloplastic material, polytetrafluoroethylene, pigs.
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