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The treatment of working dogs with hepatic dystrophy
By clinical examination performed of 13 from 65 working dogs (20%) showed clinical symptoms, by the results of biochemical blood assay, these changes are characteristic features of hepatic dystrophy. In particular hepatic dystrophy was diagnosed in 15.9% of German Shepherds, Spaniels 33.3% and 16.7% Malinois. For the production of the final diagnosis, intravital liver biopsy was conducted. Histological study of the biopsy showed that the dogs had fatty liver degeneration.
It was found, during the clinical studies of sick working dogs that the body temperature of the animals was within physiological fluctuations (38,0-39,0◦C). The pulse rate of 8 (61.5%) animals ranged from 70 to 120 beats/min., while 5 (38.5%) dogs had tachycardia. Respiratory rate of dogs was within physiological oscillations (15-25 breath./movements. per min.). The visible mucous membranes (conjunctiva, mouth) of 10 (76.9%) of the studied dogs were anemic, especially the mouth cavity. 13 (100%) dogs had wool cover changes, in particular rumpleness and the loss of shine. The skin was dry, with scales, and 10 (76.9%) of animals had ectoparasites.
The use of adjuvant therapy for 30 days had a positive effect on the dogs’ bodies. The positive changes in nutritional status of dogs on the third week of treatment were found on the repeated clinical study. 11 (84.6%) dogs had pale pink mucous membranes, 2 (15.4%) animals still had pale mucous membranes. 10 (69.2%) animals had thick and shiny wool cover, three (23%) had their skin and wool recovered partially.
Hyperenzymemia (ALT and AST) was found of all animals under investigation during the blood serum study of working dogs with hepatic dystrophy.
The treatment of working dogs with hepatic dystrophy contributed to the normalization of the functional liver state, that was demonstrated by a decrease in ALT activity by 29.3% (p <0.001) compared with sick animals, AST - 22.3% (p <0.001).
The conducted studies have shown that the activity of HLDH in the blood serum of working dogs with hepatic dystrophy increased of all animals under investigation. The tendency to HLDH activity decreasing by 23.5% (p <0.1) compared with sick animals was found after the established treatment.
6 (46.1%) working dogs had hyperbilirubinemia. The concentration of bilirubin in blood serum after treatment was lower by 2.6% (p <0.1) than in sick dogs blood serum.
According to the research, ALP activity was higher of all dogs under investigation. Hyperenzymemia HHTP was diagnosed at 23.1% German shepherds and spaniels, respectively, and 100% Malinois. After the therapy conducted ALP and HHTP activity decreased by 5.8% (p <0.1) and 25.4% (p <0.001) compared with sick dogs.
Hypocholesterolemia was was diagnosed of sick working dogs. After a complex of therapeutic measures the cholesterol content increased by 37.5% (p <0.01) compared with its rate before treatment of dogs.
The research conducted has shown that the concentration of crystal in blood serum before feeding, as well as and after it was increased of sick working dogs. After the treatment the concentration of bile acids in blood serum before feeding and 2 hours after it decreased by 46.6% (p <0.001) and 53.5% (p <0.001).
The combination of L-ornithine and artichoke of working dogs regulates liver function and has protective properties during the treatment of liver failure. L-ornithine regulates the urea cycle of dogs, takes part in the ammonia transformation, and also reduces its toxicity. Artichoke has hepatoprotective, membrane function, improves liver detoxification function and normalizes lipid metabolism.
Conclusions. 1. It was found that the dogs suffering from hepatic dystrophy had a violation of the functional state of the liver, including increased activity of ALT, AST, HLDH, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, HHTP, hypocholesterolemia, the increasing concentration of bile acids.
2. The use of hepatoprotectors in integrated circuit treatment for hepatic dystrophy of dogs gradually restores functional status of hepatocytes through a combination of L-ornithine and artichoke.
Key words: dogs, liver, hepatic dystrophy, enzymes, bilirubin, cholesterol, bile acid, treatment hepatoprotectors.
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