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Use of ozone for dіcrease of microbal load
Ozone enters into chemical reaction with many organic compounds. Ozone is a very strong oxidant. It oxidizes most of the elements to higher oxides. In the oxidation reaction by ozone activity second only to fluorine, its oxide and free radicals. It is formed from oxygen by absorbing heat in this case, and, conversely, when the expansion goes into oxygen, giving off heat. The main method of obtaining ozone for practical purposes is electrosynthesis. In industrial conditions for using ozone and corona discharge barrier. Ozonizers corona discharge can significantly increase the effi ciency of ozone by reducing capital and operating costs for the process equipment and ozonation. Research shows that ozone air ozonator pulsed mode increases the resistance of animals to the action of microorganisms factor. In animals and poultry in industrial production often develop diseases caused by pathogens factor. These diseases mainly occurring symptom of lesions of the respiratory and digestive systems. In many countries today conducted research using ozone, and the results of these studies are published in the course of scientific-metric database. For normal growing animals, especially young animals, premises should be thoroughly disinfected. Disinfection is required for all technological facilities as livestock and poultry. Experimentally found that ozone has a bactericidal effect (for example, test cultures E. coli) on different surfaces (wood, Petri dish) considering its concentration and exposure. The results of influence of different concentrations of ozone in ozonair mixture is fed into the container of the Petri dish, and time impact on survival of microorganisms provides a fairly accurate prediction of the results of impact parameters ozonation.
Key words: ozon, ozone therapy, Escherichia сoli, disinfection.
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