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Evaluation of changes in indicators of the liver and kidneys functional state in sheep under the influence of the drug "Аlphabet for animals"
The article provides data on the analysis of changes in the metabolic profile of the liver and kidneys during and after the use of a vitamin-amino acid complex containing essential amino acids and biologically active substances, such as vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B3, B5, B 12. The existing shortage of nutrients and biologically active substances in the diets of sheep prompts scientists and practitioners to conduct a constant search for the use of non-traditional local feeds and additives of a wide variety of origins. An important role in this plan is given to mineral elements, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. The use of these biologically active nutrients allows the most effective use of nutrients in the diet, which in turn ensures the maximum possible genetically determined productivity of animals, high reproductive capacity. However, these issues are still poorly studied and require fundamental research, specifically in certain regions of the country. So, in the context of the above, there is a need to conduct research related to increasing the transformation of feed nutrients into the products of ewes by optimizing amino acid and vitamin nutrition in order to maximize their productive qualities. In the conducted research, the positive effect of the drug "Аlphabet for animals" on the functional state of the liver and kidneys of ewes was established, since biomarkers that characterize the work of these organs, such as the content of total protein, cholesterol, urea nitrogen, creatinine, the activity of hepatoindicative enzymes, did not show negative changes. on the contrary, they had stabilizing dynamics. The components of the vitamin-amino acid complex had a positive effect on stimulating the albumin-synthesizing function of the liver in sheep.
Key words: sheep, vitamin-amino acid complex, hepatorenal status, protein-lipid metabolism, hepatoindicative enzymes.
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