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Blood reaction at bone injury and reparative osteogenesis complications in dogs depending of type trauma
The bone fractures in structure of surgical pathology in dogs share can be up 6-9%. Percentage of comminuted fractures
among them may be 25-60%. The presence of fragments of bone defects and promotes dysredeneration and complications
such as nonunion, osteomyelitis.
A bone fracture following by blood vessels trauma, snjuries nerves and soft tissues. This leads to hemorrhage and hema-
toma formation ina zone fracture and inflammatory response. It is reflected in the changes in hematological parameters.
The aim - to determine the reaction of the blood system in dogs at fractures of different anatomical and topographical lo-
calization. And also for the complicated course of reparative osteogenesis also.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted in dogs with fractures of the long bones that came to the surgical clinic
of BTSAU. The diagnosis is established by a set of clinical and radiological signs.
As control parameters were clinically healthy dogs (n = 33) - And the group that came in the clinic for checkups. Study
groups were formed as follows: II - dogs with simple (n = 11) and III - fragmentation (n = 21) femur; fracture IV – simple
(n = 9) and V - fragmentation (n = 12) forearm fractures; VI - with simple tibia fracture (n = 7) VII - fragmentation fractures
of the humerus (n = 3). By complications reparative osteogenesis formed VIII group - nonunion (n = 7), IX - with osteomye-
litis (n = 5), X - animals with uncomplicated course of reparative osteogenesis fragmentation femoral fracture (n = 7) on the
30th day after osteosynthesis .
All animals are examined hematological parameters: count of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, hematocrit value of
conventional methods, and the concentration of hemoglobin.
The results of the research of the morphological changes of blood parameters hemoglobin and bone injuries in dogs
characterized erythrocytespenia, olihohromemia and moderate leukocytosis. For comminuted fractures of the humerus hemo-
globin decreased most - 1.2 times (r˂0,01), whereas in other types of fracture only - in 1.1 times (r˂0,05). For fracture com-
minuted femur or humerus bones platelet count decrease was noted in 1.2 times (r˂0,05) compared and groups, which may
indicate the beginning of the syndrome of disseminated intravascular clot.
Most white blood cell count increased by comminuted fractures of the femur - in 1,9 times (r˂0,001). Slightly less than
comminuted humeral and forearm fracture 1.8 and 1.7 times (r˂0,01), respectively.
However haematological indices most definitely changing for the development of suppurative osteomyelitis. This
marked anemia and leukocytosis.
Thus, osteomyelitis number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration were 1.3 times (p˂0,001) lower compared
with clinically healthy dogs. At the same time the development of nonunion observed moderate decrease in hemoglobin con-
centration - in 1,1 times (r˂0,05) compared with the group. The content of leukocytes in dogs with suppurative osteomyelitis
was 2.1 times (r˂0,001) more than in clinically healthy animals.
So fracture bones in dogs accompanied by mild anemia and leukocytosis. Blank bone defect provokes more bleeding,
manifested a decrease in platelet count. The development of suppurative osteomyelitis accompanied by severe anemia and
leukocytosis. This is coused influence of toxic products damaged tissue.
Key words: dog, bone fractures, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, osteomyelitis.
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