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Correction of inflammatory regeneration processes in pigs after hernia repair Avesstim
In a clinical study found probable (p<0,05) reduction of healing of wounds in animals of experimental group an average of 2,4 ±
0,7 days. Healing the wounds they have occurred at primary intention operational stitches removed on the 7th day. Complications
during the healing process have not noted.
However, in two animals in the control group extension for healing was a festering and subsequent complication due to slow
granulation and differences edges of the walls of the wound, followed by healing by secondary intention.
In the treatment of postoperative wounds probable deviations morphological and biochemical parameters of blood were found.
However, one should note the tendency to reduce the number of white blood cells in the 3rd and 7th day of treatment in the
experimental group of animals, while control on the 7th day the number of leukocytes contrary increased. In general, this may
indicate a lack of effective constraints inflammation or its complications inflammatory process.
Leykoformula analysis revealed no significant alteration of the neutrophils, but should pay attention to the sharp increase in
eosinophils in the experimental group on 3rd – 5,8 ± 0,77, to lower – 3,60 ± 0,51 on the 7th day. What we believe is associated with
an active course of reparative processes, basic plasma activation system, including alternative route of complement activation in
inflammatory response Avesstim. However, eosinophils play an important role in the formation and transport antymediators
inflammation. Eosinophils not only absorb antigens and immune complexes, and isolated and almost all antymediator enzymes:
histaminase, carboxypeptidase, esterase, prostahlandyndehidrohenaze, catalase, arylsulfatazu thus maintaining optimum mode
mediator of inflammation. By the 7th day reduced levels of eosinophils and close to the level that was before the surgery.
On the third day in the experimental group found significantly lower levels of lymphocytes compared to controls. This indicates
heavy use of lymphocytes and their accumulation in the inflammation that will positively affect the dynamics of the regenerative
Research hemostasis major indicators including FXIII fibrinogen and reflects the dynamics inherent to inflammation. FHIII
significantly reduced to 3rd day in both groups due to its intensive use in this period. The sharp decrease in fibrinogen in the control
group on the 7th day – 1,70 ± 0,42 g / l may be a reflection of consumption coagulopathy that occurred through intense inflammatory
reaction in the healing of postoperative wounds.
However, in the experimental group use of Avesstim caused significant increase of NOx 76,1 ± 4,59 and hold it throughout the
observation period 69,0 ± 6,65 mmol / l.
In the control group of animals NOx lowest rate – 49,3 ± 3,75 mmol / l, against a background of low levels of fibrinogen – 1,70
± 0,42 g / l indicates the development deficit of coagulation factors by prolonged inflammation, since NO produced by leukocytes in
terms of inflammatory response.
Wounds after operation are prone to septic complications, accompanied by increasing deficit of natural anticoagulants,
decreased activity FXIII factors and predisposition to the development of coagulopathy.
Supplement traditional treatment schemes and immunostimulant Avesstim prevents the development of coagulopathy in sick
animals increases the activity FXIII, levels of nitric oxide and eosinophils in the blood., Which clinically manifested in shortening the
recovery of patients by 2.4 days compared with conventional treatment.
Prospects for further research is to study the effectiveness of the drug in other forms of lymphoma surgical pathology in pigs
and other farm animals.
Key words: hernia, pigs, adjuvants, wounds, Avesstim.
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