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Methods of molecular biotechnology specific prevention and diagnostics of eimeriosis in poultry industry
The list of invasive diseases that cause significant economic poultry losses is eimeriosis. The article presents data of domestic and foreign literature on classical and modern methods of prevention and diagnosis of disease, focusing on the latest developments on the basis of molecular genetic methods.
Formulation of the problem. Poultry industry is the most technologically developed sector of agriculture capable to provide the population quality dietary food products and increase production rates that allows strengthen food security. Maintain the current pace of development of the sector and provide the necessary scientific support of veterinary well being.
Under conditions of poultry farming intensive technologies of the first days of the bird is exposed to infectious and non-infectious factors of nature, which reduces the overall nonspecific resistance of the organism and causing a sharp morphological and functional changes in the body that affect the growth and productivity of birds. However it should be noted that depending on the situation on the fate of invasive diseases in the poultry industry accounts from 35 to 70% of losses.
Currently, among the parasitic diseases of poultry, researchers are attracted particular attention eimeriosis through wide circulation and significant economic losses, which consist of big young poultry doom, reduced productivity, and deterioration in the quality of the final product, increasing the cost of feed per unit of the product and expenses for treatment. In the event of disease among poultry mortality is 25-40%, reduced average daily gain of 5-10% and feed conversion by 7-12%.
The main means of prevention eimeriosis long time were synthetic preparations, but pathogens of adaptation to anticoccidial of preparations have become a problem in all countries of poultry industry.
In order to combat eimeriosis poultry developed a number of vaccines using live pathogens, vaccine injection designed and based on the methods of molecular biotechnology (DNA vaccines, recombinant et al.).
The composition of vaccines may include pathogens eimeriosis of natural virulence. Their use is accompanied by a short introduction to the anticoccidial preparations in the forage to prevent eimeriosis. Application of vaccines with attenuated pathogens needs no accompaniment anticoccidial preparations and effective control of the disease.
These vaccines have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, the use of live attenuated vaccines, especially in large-scale poultry farming, the danger is the possibility of reversion of virulence of pathogens, persistence and contamination extraneous agents. Vaccines contain the pathogens of eimeriosis of natural virulence, are at risk of acquiring herd of immunosuppressive terms.
The genetic immunization, also known as polynucleotide or DNA immunization represents a new approach to specific prevention. The introduction of purified DNA pathogen into an organism poultry leads to in vivo gene expression of protein encoded in the DNA. The gene cloned into plasmid with an appropriate promoter and the plasmid DNA introduced in the body of the recipient. Occurs endogenous synthesis of foreign proteins of the host cell that leads to the development of the immune response.
The genetic immunization has great advantages over live attenuated vaccines, as in the case of DNA immunization vaccine is no reversion to the virulent pathogenic forms and spread in the population. DNA vaccine are relatively easily and quickly manufactured in large quantities and do not require special conditions of transport or storage. Such vaccines are able to defend the organism from infecting poultry pathogens.
Currently, diagnosis of invasion eimeriosis mainly based on traditional methods – the microscopic study of fecal samples and evaluation of the lesion, despite the availability of sensitive molecular assays, due to the cost and the need for special equipment. Although the effectiveness of traditional methods proven time they are not sufficiently objective for sub clinical diseases and identification of pathogens.
Advances in laboratory technology have led to the development of new methods of molecular diagnostics in response to these problems, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA dactyloscopy, the random amplification of polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR), quantitative PCR and method of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP).
Analysis of the modern state of the eimeriosis problem in the poultry industry has shown that a very important and promising direction is the creation of technology of specific prevention and differentiation of pathogens based on molecular genetic methods. Recent times being developed DNA vaccines that contain combinations of genes that are able to defend the organism against the invasion of pathogens of poultry eimeriosis and modulate the formation of the immune response and proposed new available methods molecular screening analysis of eimeriosis.
This is fundamentally new approach in creating preventive preparations that require thorough study, not only for combating diseases, but also on the danger of the introduction of alien poultry genetically modified DNA.
Key words: molecular biology, DNA vaccines, genes, eimerias, poultry.
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