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Modern mycotoxin adsorbent: analysis of domestic market

It is known that mycotoxins are natural metabolites of some toxic fungi that contaminate forage plants in the fields, at harvest, during transport, storage and processing of forage .

Today we have wide arsenal of techniques and methods to prevent mycotoxicoses in poultry. However, the most common is the use of various adsorbents of mycotoxins. Considering the variety of tools that are officially registered in Ukraine, it is appropriate to note that the last two years it was significant (by 61.7 %) growth of its number. Total number of items of the plan exceeds a dozen, but the first half , the fluid – they appeared exclusively foreign origin (6-8). Substantial completion of existing facilities has been achieved through the registration and the start of mass production of two domestic detoxifier mycotoxins : feed additive with the trademark " Kormosan" – registration certificate number 00462-04-09 AB on 20.07.2009 and was drug " VetOks 1000" - login license number AV- 00250 -01- 09 from 11.06. 2009

Considering the composition of active ingredients, all available on the market detoxifier , in our opinion include the following three key groups.

Of the 14 names registered in Ukraine adsorbents means outside this conventional classification were :

- " Mycosorb " manufactured by Alltech Alltech -UK or Brazil, on a basis of glucans (80 %) and recommended doses of 0.5–2.0 kg per ton of feed ;

- "VetOks -1000" produced by SPF "Brovapharma", which as a valid basis contains sodium hypochlorite (atomic oxygen) and encouraged the drinking water at a ratio of 1:40.

Sincerely each composition listed foreign origin , though it should be noted that in the first place, they created a background types of mycotoxins that are most typical for the country developer, so in terms of Ukraine are not always highly effective relative to existing local races mycotoxicoses poultry pathogens .

Describing the adsorbent compositions of the first group which is based only on a mixture of minerals , you should consider the fact that according to many publications, both foreign and domestic authors, such a composition of a mixture of minerals able to neutralize only 70 to 95 % mycotoxins present in feed weight gastrointestinal tract. We think of the figure should be known to all PRODUCERS drugs. However, manufacturers claim it openly dared only dystrybyutery " Toksautu " brochure which indicate that the drug of the maximum recommended dose can bind only the relevant part of the existing mycotoxins , namely aflatoxins B1 – 92–96 % ochratoxin – 68–70 %: T-2 toxin – 82–85 % zearelenon – 48–51 %.

Notably, both named adsorbents do not help the body get rid of residues not neutralized mycotoxins and previously accumulated in the toxic radicals and does not potentiate the protective ability of the immune system.

Group detoxifier mycotoxin adsorbents based on complex and organic based on existing acid has the ability to neutralize mycotoxins in food not only feed the birds, but also straightforward - in the feed. However, the latter effect, taking the presence of a small composition of organic acids, especially when used in low and medium doses (100-250 g / t) is able to inhibit only slightly active development of toxigenic fungi in food, but not enough to offset their metabolites. The rest – the group, in varying degrees, typical shortcomings noted that funds for group 1.

Considering the pharmacological effect of detoxifier mycotoxin adsorbents based on complex and plant extracts, it should be noted that:

- Such a combination in the gastrointestinal tract connecting the molecular structure of mycotoxins present in feed weight (about 70–95 % ) due to the present composition of alkali aluminosilicate and adsorption of hydrophilic and hydrophobic mycotoxins sloyovanymy silicates , it prevents the absorption of the walls of the gastrointestinal channel and provides further excretion of faeces in stock;

- Yeast cultures by nucleotides accelerate detoxification is not absorbed part of mycotoxins that accumulate in the liver and the reproduction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the digestive canal , and available ribonucleic acids help restore liver tissues. Therefore, the use of such means is a more reliable way not only to neutralize a significant portion of the toxins present in the feed , but also contribute to the speedy recovery of the body. As a remark, it should be noted that the formulation introduced in yeast cultures tend to exhibit high efficacy only a certain period (12–18 months). But in some of the recommended period of use – something much longer .

Describing the pharmacological properties of "Kormosan" belongs emphasize that in addition to binding mycotoxins and parallel positive effect of the structure of yeast cultures , the introduction of two additional magnesium salts and organic selenium:

- Magnesium salts increase the secretion of bile and digestive enzymes and improve intestinal peristalsis;

- Selenium strengthens immunity and nonspecific anticoxidant status of animals.

During extensive preclinical and production experiments confirmed that all four stages of the impact of new domestic product normalize digestion, help remove toxins from the body, under their influence gradually restored the activity of liver detoxification and overall immune status. This improves average daily growth, growth yaytsenosnosti in laying hens, reduce cost of feed per unit of production and increasing the safety of young and moderate cost by a highly cost farmers (9–14).

Another one of the positives "Kormosanutm" should include a thoroughly spent his dosage. It is based on laboratory determination of the intensity of contamination of feed specific type of mycotoxin . We recommend the following optimal dose (kg / t of feed): low levels of contamination - 0.5-1.0, Medium - 1.2-2.0, a high level of contamination – 2,2–3,0. With the simultaneous detection of two or more kinds of toxins in the options that exceed their maximum allowable level - higher than recommended doses of feed additive increased by 0.5–1.0 kg.

Key words: mycotoxins, mycotoxicosis, poultry, kormosan.

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