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Pathomorphological changes in the prostate gland by hyperplasia in dogs
Prostate is additional sex glands in dogs that performs exocrine secretory function. The secret of the prostate not only mechanically liquefies sperm, but also activates the movement of sperm and ensure their viability outside the body through energy resources(fructose, lipids, etc.). Contributes of the ovule displacement protect it from adverse environmental influences. Size of the prostate in the physiological norm may vary and depend on the type and age of an animal. To the main diagnostic studies conducted in patients with suspected prostate disease include: general clinical research that includes hematological and biochemical blood research and urine analysis, palpation research of the gland through the rectum, prostate secretion microscopy. Ultrasonographic examination of the prostate used as an additional method of investigation. According to Waters DJ. et al. malignant neoplasm of prostate cancer in dogs from 0,7 to 1,3 % of all types of cancer and took the tenth place after breast cancer, thyroid, nasopharynx, prostate glands, pancreas, skin, trachea, colon and liver. Research results of B.N. Olivkova indicate that out of 94 non emasculated dogs, which were histologically examined prostate, in 48 found no pathological changes, in 36 diagnosed dishormonal adenomatous hypertrophy, in 10 - cystlike degeneration of the prostate. According to Chang S.C. et. al. among 72 prostate cancer 93,1 % (67 cases) had an epithelial nature. Among epithelial tumors were more common adenocarcinoma (80%) and mucoid carcinoma (11%), and squamous cell carcinoma transferred cells amounted to 4,5%. The aim of our study was to improve the efficiency of diagnosis of prostate diseases by studying the pathological changes of its tissues. Under observation were 20 dogs aged 3–8 years, Breed English Cocker Spaniel (4 dogs), the German Shepherd (7 dogs), Staffordshire Terrier (3 dogs), mestizo (6 dogs). All animals performed ultrasonographic examination of the prostate.
According to the result of the ultrasound was formed 3 groups of animals. The first group included 10 dogs with prostate echostructural physiological norm. The second group is 7 dogs in which changes in the structure of gland were diagnosed, peculiar to hyperplasia. The third group consisted of dogs, in which the structure pointed to prostate tumor processes. To study histostructure prostate in normal and pathology, and to establish an accurate diagnosis in dogs was conducted biopsies and tissue samples obtained. As a result of histological studies of the prostate tissue of dogs that entered the first group, it was determined the cellular elements of the stroma, which had its own morphological characteristics of cells of connective tissue - fibroblasts and smooth muscle tissue – leiomyocytes. From the prostate capsule inside of the organ moved away connective tissue trace that are located between channels acini with smooth muscle elements. In histopreparation prostate tissue dogs in group II, in which the results of ultrasonographic examination was found the increase of the volume and seal structure, microscopic structure indicated that stromal elements are sealed, myofibrilar stroma is transformed into coarse-fibered connective tissue, which loses the peculiarities of smooth muscle cells. In the histopreparation study obtained at prostate dogs biopsy in group III, which was found ultrasonographic diffuse gland structure, without clear boundaries of organ and different inclusion body lowered echogenicity, microscopic structure indicated that the progression of proliferative activity of glandular elements largely inhibits the flow of secretion of prostatic acini prostate that are part of both core and subsidiary proliferative centers. This in turn served as a structural prerequisite for cystic proliferation and expansion of acini. Such qualitative changes testify that the pathological process moves to the stage of proliferative centers development.
Key words: dog, prostate, tumors, ultrasonography, biopsy, histology.
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