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Modern method of correction antioxidant status in dogs with purulent wounds
The results of studies of antioxidant system parameters in dogs with purulent wounds. In animals with surgical pathology of inflammatory reaction accompanied by the accumulation in the blood and tissue lipid peroxidation products and proteins with toxic properties. The use of ozone therapy reduces the level of endotoxemia in dogs with surgical pathology.
The antioxidant system of organism includes the row of enzymes and other bioactive substances, counteracts the process of start and development of free-radical reactions, the mechanism of action of that prevents to activating of oxidizing processes in tissues.
Ozone showing biological effects at the cell membrane, activates antioxidant system and stimulates the body's defenses. Introduction of ozone is accompanied by increased levels of oxygen in the blood, improves microcirculation and blood supply of organs and tissues. Reducing the degree of tissue hypoxia is one of the mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of ozone therapy.
Indexes of endogenous intoxication, antioxidant defence of organism and process of peroxidation are informing for control of motion of the festering-used for setting inflammation process for animals and determination of efficiency of their treatment. The treatment of the purulent inflammatory processes improve quality debriding of tissues and improve regeneration processes for them is application of oxidant, especially to ozone.
In our research the antioxidant state of organism of dogs determined activity of enzymes superoxide dismutase of (SOD) plasma and general antioxidant activity of plasma (GАА).
The aim of the research was to study the status of the antioxidant system and measure the infusion of ozonized isotonic NaCl treatment for dogs with purulent wounds.
The material for the study were 44 mongrel dogs aged 1.5 to 4 years, 20 animals were of purulent wounds. Treatment of dogs with purulent wounds was carried out by conventional pattern: adequate anaesthesia, wound revision, removal of necrotic tissue, opening pockets and passive drainage using PVC pipe. Antiseptic wound cavities of animals held ozonized isotonic sodium chloride with ozone concentration 7 mg/l of 200 ml once daily. Intravenous injection of ozonized isotonic NaCl dog with purulent wounds was performed at a dose of 7 ml/kg body weight twice a day.
Research results showed that dogs with purulent wounds before treatment superoxide dismutase plasma averaged 0.82 std.un./ml and was 1.5 times (p<0,001) higher than in clinically healthy animals. Increased superoxide dismutase in plasma of dogs for the development of inflammation in wounds occurred by increasing concentrations of peroxidation products that are destroying cell membranes and enzymes are released outside the cell. On the third day of treatment the animals superoxide dismutase level in plasma was 1.2 times (p<0,001) higher than in clinically healthy animals.
The results showed that the treatment of animals to the percentage of the general antioxidant activity of plasma was reduced by an average of 2.2 times (p<0.001) compared with clinically healthy, indicating a decrease of antioxidant protection.
As a result of our work, it was found that on the third day of treatment in the blood of sick animals, the gradual growth rate of general antioxidant activity of blood plasma, however, it was 1,3 times (p<0,001) lower than in clinically healthy animals. This points to strengthening antioxidant protection of animals.
Established that the use of ozone therapy animals through local processing and intravenous ozonized isotonic sodium chloride level indicators superoxide dismutase and general antioxidant activity (GAA) of plasma on the seventh day of treatment was 1,1 times (p<0.05) lower than that of healthy animals.
On the 10th day of treatment the level of these indicators in all the dogs did not differ from the rate of clinically healthy animals.
The obtained results indicate that in response to ozone in tissues and organs increases as the total antioxidant activity of the system and the activity of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase .
The results of researches ground to assert that application of ozonotherapy assists normalization of antioxidant defence of organism of dogs and more rapid motion of the used for setting inflammation.
Key words: purulent wound, inflammation, dog, superoxide dismutase, ozone, antioxidant protection.
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