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Fallopian tubes under different physiological state of cow’s organism
Research of the fallopian tubes both physiological and pathological condition shown as separate works.
The objective was to explore the fallopian tube during the penetration of the content of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes and, conversely, of the fallopian tubes in the uterus at different functional physiological and pathological state of internal genital organs of the cows.
To experience uterus who are selected after the slaughter of animals are used. Uterus which are preparated and hung on the lintel are placed in the bones with the physiological solution of sodium chloride of cows body temperature so that they did not touch the bottom.
Into the cavity of the non-pregnant cows uterus in the wall of the body have introduced physiological solution of sodium filled methylene signkey chloride in the extent necessary for the filling of the cavity. During the experience 6 hours kept the temperature of the solution within the physiological oscillations in cows.
When determining the patency of liquids from the uterus to the fallopian tubes, selected from heifers, filled with a saline solution of sodium chloride solution was injected into the space between the chorion and endometrium through wall horns of the uterus in the interplacental areas.
After 6 hours of wall horns cut of the uterus and have shaped the painting of the mucous membrane, in transversal and longitudinal transects in different parts of uterine pipes, presence liquid in their lumen, the color of their shells wall. When assessing fill shells wall of the fallopian tubes used a magnifying glass ordinary or databases with the increase in 10 times.
We also conducted an experiment in which liquid with a saline solution was poured into the lumen of the fallopian tubes through their cranelee hole. The solution is poured to filling the pipe through a cannula inserted into the hole hopper of the fallopian tube through a steady clip. The fallopian tube is imposed a ligature. The uterus was placed in a bowl of warm saline solution as before.
Our studies show that under different physiological and pathological state the organism output of liquid through the fallopian tubes in all directions.
When filling liquid of the fallopian tubes through the hole hopper contours plot funnel, ampoules and isthmus were clearly distinguished, but the liquid has penetrated the horn of the uterus.
The mucous membrane of the endometrium in all cases was painted in the color of the liquid, which filled the cavity of the uterus. Then the shell of the fallopian tubes first of all mucous have not changed their characteristic color.
Given induced data, we believe it is possible to assert, that the free movement of content from the uterus into the fallopian tubes occur only with a physiological state of the organism in a stage of excitation of the sexual cycle. Simultaneously with the opening of the cervical canal relax the smooth muscle cells of the circular muscles of the tops of the horns of the uterus and opens a passage between the cavity of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
Thus, conditions are created for the opposite leak of the contents of the uterus and fallopian tubes that provides the movement of the ovum in the fallopian tubes in caudal and the movement of the sperm out of the uterus in the fallopian tubes in cranial direction.
After fertilization, the duration of stay zygote formed in the fallopian tubes limited not only by the supply of nutrients, but also the immune incompatibility with her fallopian tubes, because it is not permanent physiologically conditioned composition of their cavity. The fallopian tubes are protected from unauthorized content or body, which is the zygote, are reduced, and pushed it into the uterine cavity.
By zygote as a result of the currents in her complex biological influence stand out in the lumen of the fallopian tubes biologically active substances that cause irritation of the mucous membrane walls of pipes and contribute to their reduction and progress towards the horn of the uterus.
The analysis of the researches and their generalization showed that cows with different physiological state entered into the cavity isolated from the body of the uterus liquid itself is not penetrates into the fallopian tubes, and entered through the hole hopper pipes in the cavity of the uterus.
Access to the cavity of the uterus, as a body, the basic physiological function of which consists in keeping fetus is limited by the vagina and uterine tubes morphological adaptations, the function of which is governed by complex neurohormonal mechanisms.
Key words: uterine tubes, the functional disorders, inflammatory processes, symptomatic infertility, uterine tubes patency blowing off the fallopian tubes, ovarian cyst, ovarian Hypo zygote, the cervix.
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