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Study of detoxifying properties of veterinary drug Polyvisolum (experimental sample) on a model of toxic hepatitis in rats
The article highlights results of preclinical evaluation of detoxifying properties of veterinary drug Polyvisolum. Polyvisolum is a povidon containing solution for intravenous fluid therapy. The specific activity of the drug was investigated in treatment of toxic hepatitis in rats.
Pathological statement was modeled by intragastric administration of carbon tetrachloride in 50% solution in olive oil at a dose of 5 ml/kg body weight. Rats were divided into three groups of 12 animals each. Further manipulations were carried out as follows. Rats of the 1st experimental group received no treatment. Rodents of the 2nd group treated with Ringer-Lactate solution, rodents of the 3rd group – with Polyvisolum. Both drugs were injected intraperitoneally at dose of 15 ml/kg body weight, twice a day (every 8–9 hours between doses) for two days in a row.
During the experiment clinical status and mortality of rodents were registered. Samples of blood serum and plasma were obtained in all experimental rats in 12 hours after last administration of drugs to rodents of the 2nd and 3rd groups. In serum were determined concentration of total protein, albumin, glucose, total bilirubin, creatinin, urea and activity of GGT, ALT, AST, ALP. Rates of mean molecular weight substances were determined in blood plasma. Statistical analysis was performed with program “StatBiom 2720”, with definition of the arithmetic mean (M), the mean error (m) and criterion validity Student's (p). Differences were determined at confidence level p<0,05.
During the observation, it was found that the clinical symptoms of intoxication in rats of experimental groups were revealed in 6–8 hours after its administration. The animals mentioned depression, decreased activity and response to external stimuli, loss of appetite, increased water consumption. The survival rate of rats in the group that used polyvisolum amounted to 91,7 %, whereas in the group of animals that used Ringer-Lactate solution – 75,0 % and in the group of animals without treatment – 58,3 %.
Concentration of albumin in serum of rats treated with Polyvisolum was higher than in rodents of 1st and 2nd experimental groups, respectively 14,22% (p<0,05) and 12,17% (p<0,05). Activity of ALT in rats of the 3rd experimental group was 28,81% and 25,39% lower than rates in rodents of 1st and 2nd groups respectively; activity of AST – lower 29,88% (p<0,01) and 37,56% respectively (p<0,01). The enzyme activity of GGT in rats, which have been administered Polyvisolum, was 42,21% lower than rates of the 1st group and 33,89% (p<0,05) lower, than rates of 2nd group; concentration of bilirubin was lower respectively 44,44% (p<0,01) and 29,04%. Concentration of glucose in serum of rodents of the 3rd group was higher, than in rats of 1st and 2nd groups respectively 57,23% (p<0,01) and 48,00% (p<0,05). Level of mean molecular weight substances in rats, treated with Polyvisolum was 38,99% (p<0,001) lower, than in group without treatment and 26,93% (p<0,001), than in group treated with Ringer-Lactate solution; concentration of creatinin lower respectively 34,57% (p<0,01) and 28,66% (p<0,01).
Thus, as a result of the study it was found that intraperitoneal administration of Polyvisolum at dose of 15 ml/kg body weight, twice daily for 2 days decreases mortality of rats poisoned with carbon tetrachloride, contributes to the preservation of the functional activity of the liver and kidneys, normalization of biochemical profile and reduces laboratory markers of endogenous intoxication.
Key words: rats, carbon tetrachloride, toxic hepatitis, polyvisolum, detoxifying therapy, survival rate, biochemistry profile.
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