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Dynamics of some humoral immunity cats indices for purulent keratoconjunctivitis
Available in numerous publications on the assessment of the immune status of man in various pathological states, and in recent years the study of the immune system has become a priority in veterinary medicine. Indicators of the immune system have reasonable diagnostic and prognostic value, especially in the case of the presence of microbial factors.
To be sure, a more or less complete immunity system studied only in farm animals. In small animals, such as cats, parameters of the immune system have been insufficiently studied, especially in surgical diseases and local infections.
One of the common local infections in cats is staphylococcal keratoconjunctivitis (29,2 % of eye pathology).
Given the purulent keratoconjunctivitis in the conjunctiva and cornea of cats destructive changes occur, characterized by proliferation of epiteliomorfly layer, lymphoid infiltration and the presence of multiple foci of necrosis. It is characteristic that the abnormally altered epiteliomorfly front layer of the cornea shows a tendency to keratinization.
Certainly the influence of microbial factors (mostly Staphiliococcus aureus) and expressive destructive changes affected tissues can not remain without attention of the immune system.
In their studies, we have aimed to assess the presence and nature of the humoral immune response in cats staphylococcal lesions of the conjunctiva and cornea. To achieve the goal task was to determine the dynamics and direction of the main indicators of humoral immunity in cats suffering from purulent keratoconjunctivitis.
The study was conducted on 5 clinically healthy and 15 patients with purulent (staphylococcal) keratoconjunctivitis cats.
The animals were determined proteins fraction content of immunoglobulin A, E, G, M, the content of circulating immune complexes, complement system performance.
The evaluation of biochemical markers of response of animals to the development of purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea, we have not seen too expressive of their shifts, but observed a trend towards reduction in albumin and increase in globulin in the background improbable increase in total protein.
The dynamics of the studied immunological parameters was more an illustrative and characterized in patients with purulent keratoconjunctivitis cats reliable (except IgG) rising on the third day of the inflammatory process and content of IgG circulating immune complexes (CIC): IgA – to 102,0 %, IgE – 40,3 %, IgM – by 54,2 %, CIC – 74,5 %, activation of the complement system. The seventh day was marked by similar studies of these parameters changes, but increase in IgG (36,4 %) have been credible.
Such way, the development of purulent keratoconjunctivitis in the cat comes amid distinct humoral response to an infectious agent.
Dynamics of immunological parameters in cats with purulent keratoconjunctivitis characterized by significant growth immunoglobulin content, circulating immune complexes, distinct activation of the complement system mainly traditional way.
Key words: cat, keratoconjunctivitis, immune system, immunoglobulins, complement system.
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